Page 54 of Talia

“You shave,” he breathed out in a hiss.

“I do. You…okay with that?”

“Oh, Tia.” In mind-spinning lust, he used his new, truncated nickname for her. “I’m more than okay with it. I can’t wait to have my tongue on you,” he hissed. “If I weren’t following doctor’s orders about taking my muscles out of the equation, I’d already have picked you up, carried you off, and splayed you out on your bed.”

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” she answered in kind. She turned around, giving him a full shot of her gorgeous, tight ass; full, high, and proud as she sashayed away and led him toward heaven.

God, he was a goner. There was no hesitation from his woman as they entered her bedroom. She yanked back the colorful covers on her queen-sized bed, then immediately spun, dropped, and laid herself out on her crisp, white sheets, like a banquet just for him. Her pretty pink lips glistened with her excitement, and Fleet knew an answering droplet had similarly and spontaneously wept from his cock.

He toed off his sneakers, glad they were old and loose so he didn’t have to waste time with the laces. He went to the bed and placed one jeans-clad knee between hers, leaning over to breathe in her heady scent.

“This is going to be fast,” Talia warned him huskily. “I’m already close to there, just from the way you’re looking at me.”

“I’m good with that, as long as you don’t mind me wanting seconds,” he answered.

She mewed her approval.

Fleet walked his hands up either side of her body until his face was even with her sweet pussy, and without another second’s hesitation, gave over to his desires. He took one long, slow lick of her slit from bottom to top, catching every bit of her honey to savor.

“Fleet,” she keened and thrust her pelvis up.

“Settle down, Tia. I’m just getting started.”

And oh, she made everything so easy, being completely shaved.

He unerringly located her clit with his tongue, pressing down on it as he moved a finger to her opening and slid it eagerly up inside. Talia was drenched, and tight, and he moaned around her distended nub, thinking about the moment his aching cock would fill her to the brim, but that was a thought-trajectory he wouldn’t be able to follow for weeks, so he’d make do, gladly, with what Talia now offered.

Her fresh, delectable cunt was all his for the taking.

Sliding another finger into her channel, he suctioned her little button into his mouth and gently scraped it with his teeth. Talia moaned, telling him he was on the right track, so he did it a second time, and a third…

When he leaned into his fourth foray, his sensitive woman reached her limit, and suddenly came apart beneath him, clutching at air. He wanted to crow and chuckle at the same time, knowing he’d done well by her, and that she wanted nothing more than to dig in and score his scalp with her nails, but was still vaguely cognizant enough to spare his beleaguered cranium.

Still, she wasn’t shy about taking what she needed, pushing up into his mouth, and down onto his fingers until her quaking eventually eased and subsided.

She heaved out a breath.

“Damn. That was…so good,” she rasped. “I almost forgot to be careful with you.” She came up on her elbows. “Are you okay?”

“More than okay,” he assured her.

In actuality, Fleet was pumped. He’d done his woman well, while at the same time not blowing any gaskets in his head. A huge, win. And his heart soared because…

It wouldn’t always be this way, their coming together without exploring everything in his arsenal. Fleet foresaw a lifetime of mind-blowing explosions between them.


Talia was boneless, and it didn’t bother her in the least that she lay beneath Fleet, half naked and replete. She worked hard making her body tight, and was not in any way ashamed of her physique. Were her boobs a little small? Maybe. Was her ass a tad big? Yes, to that. But Fleet hadn’t complained. He’d looked at her with nothing but awe and lust on his face, and she’d eat that shit up all day.

Fleet moved languidly off to her side and sat up, leaving her slightly chilled.

“Hey. Where are you going?” Talia groused.

“To the kitchen to get food,” he answered with what she could only describe as an over-the-top leer. “I was imagining bringing it back here and having a picnic on your stomach.”

Said stomach jiggled up and down as she laughed. “Uh, I hate to burst your bubble, but I was warming up some tomato soup. Not exactly a neat meal.”

“Then… I can sip from your belly button,” he returned with his quick wit, moving smoothly to his feet. “Hold that thought.”