Page 13 of Talia

Fleet took a deep breath and went for it. “Well, I’m not averse to a woman who knows her own mind, either, but… I told Talia. I’ve been burnt in the past for taking things too fast, and I’m not comfortable doing that with her. I was simply trying to make sure things didn’t blow up, and now I’m afraid I’ve done that by holding her off.”

Ever’s tone gentled. “The problem is, you didn’t just hold her off, you made her feel like she was a jerk for coming on too strong.”

“I realized that, after she left,” Fleet sighed. “But in my defense, I wasn’t exactly thinking straight. My head was coming off.”

“Damn, Fleet. I’m glad you’re getting that checked out.” He heard her draw in air. “Listen, do you want me to talk to Talia?”

“No. No.” It was the last thing Fleet needed, to have Talia believe he was sending someone in to fight his battles. “I’ll call her and see if I can make it better. I…may have to come clean about a pretty sordid situation in my past, but if that’s what it takes to convince her to take a chance on me, I’ll do it.”

“Good man,” Ever praised. “If you remember, the convoluted situation that Mason and I faced would have been straightened out so much sooner if both of us had just opened up and talked.”

Fleet knew a little of their pasts, and he had to agree. They’d had a lot of ups and downs before they’d both come clean. Their honesty—when it finally emerged—hadn’t harmed the pair; it had moved their relationship forward and put them into a very good place. Somehow, Fleet doubted his own story would be met with as much tolerance by Talia. But one could always hope.

“Listen, I’m headed out now,” Fleet declared, knowing he and Ever could hash things over all day once they got started, and that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted mountains, solitude, and action. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay. If not before,” she quipped.

Yeah.He wouldn’t be surprised if Ever showed up to help him tonight. She had a huge heart.

Twenty minutes later, with his bouldering pad strapped to his back, and his chalk bag, climbing shoes, brushes, and skin-care kit in his pack, he did some quick stretches and began his climb. The air was fresh, the temperature was warm, and the trail was deserted. That was one of the reasons he liked this particular climb. It wasn’t well known and wasn’t something the majority of novices would attempt. Also, Sunday hikers were usually tourists with kids, so he didn’t expect to see any of them this late in the day.

Everything would be just about perfect, if his damned head would clear.

He speculated about his recalcitrant head as he undertook a few quick sprints in parts of the trail where roots wouldn’t trip him up. Maybe the problem wasn’t his eyes. Maybe it was allergies. Although this late in October he couldn’t think of a single thing that would be in the air except ragweed, and he’d never had a problem with it before. It could also be tension. That would follow with the amount of work he had piled up. Maybe heshouldthink of hiring somebody full time before Ever became available.

Breathing deeply, he ignored the pounding in his brain and headed for the higher elevation where he was familiar with a stiff skill-level of bouldering. The cascade of rocks he’d be attempting had some of the best verticals and roofs he’d come across, and when he finally topped out, the view from the apex of the formation would be better than most, giving him a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of the range.

It took an hour for Fleet to reach his quarry for the day, and when he looked over the familiar rock wall, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He’d climb. He’d eat a small meal when he reached the final highball, then he’d feel good enough to go back to town and face his workload.


Where the hell was Fleet? Ever sighed in frustration as she dug in her pocket for her key to his studio. She’d expected her friend/boss to be back from his climb by now, but… She looked at her watch. Maybe she’d jumped the gun? It was only five o’clock, and she’d talked to him at what? Noon? She did the math. Maybe, after they’d spoken, it had taken a half hour before he’d started his climb, then an hour until he hit his preferred boulder-wall. If he did his normal, high-intensity workout, he’d have topped out after another hour. That would have been around two-thirty. Coming down he’d be loose, so…not quite as long on the descent?

Which meant he should be back any minute. Fleet certainly wasn’t one to dawdle

She’d wait.

Ever let herself into the studio, turning on the lights to peruse the dimmed sound board and she chewed a nail. Should she turn everything on? She knew what she was doing, sort of, after working with Fleet for three months, but…No.She didn’t dare put her fingers on his equipment without his input.Damn.She thought she’d surprise him by coming in to help, but with him being absent, she was currently no better than a frigging paper-weight.

She looked at her watch again. She’d give the man thirty minutes.


She’d call him right now, dammit. There was great coverage on the mountain he was climbing,andon the route home from there, so she could quickly find out if she’d wasted her time coming in or if he’d be prancing through the door at any second.

Ever dialed.

Fleet’s phone rang. And rang. And rang. Then it went to voicemail.

What the fuck? Why didn’t he pick up?

Maybe he’d taken things more slowly than she thought, and his hands were busy. She nodded, sagely. He couldn’t answer his phone very easily if he was pulling some elaborate circus trick, that was for sure. And she certainly didn’t want to be the one who distracted him at a crucial moment.

He had to have heard her ring-tone, so he’d respond as soon as he was able. She could be patient.

Twenty minutes passed, and Ever began doubting the waiting thing. She’d given him more than enough time to get to a ledge, or even to perhaps finish his bouldering for the day. She winced, but…Shit.Fine. She’d be that woman and try calling him again.

Ever got the same thing she had before; a bunch of rings, then voicemail.