Page 84 of Talia


Fleet wasn’t exactly sure how he’d been railroaded into this, but he couldn’t say he wasn’t curious…and a little excited. What did Bitsy look like these days? Was she married? Did she have children? How had she come to own and operate a restaurant?

His parents refused to answer any of his questions, saying that Bitsy knew he was coming, and had agreed to join them when they arrived. Most of all, Fleet couldn’t wait to introduce Bitsy to Talia; to let his old flame know he was more than okay with his life, and had not only moved on from the debacle of their senior year, but had fallen in love.

Wasn’t it the Roman poet, Virgil who said “love conquers all”? The man had been damned astute. If this had been a year ago, Fleet never would have been ready to face any of his past, Bitsy included. But with Talia at his side and his heart full, he felt almost invincible.

Pulling open the door to La Casa Verde, Fleet let his parents precede him, but Talia stuck by his side, looping her arm through his determinedly.

“You can do this,” she whispered in his ear.

“Only because of you,” he countered softly, his butterflies settling even more. “I’m good.”

“I know you are,” she returned sincerely.

And then he spotted her.

Bitsy.The only other female he’d ever loved. His smile blossomed, but all he felt now was a special warmth when he regarded her. Happily, he knew then that he was about to put the past where it belonged; in the past.

“Fleet!” Bitsy cried from across the room, and sped toward him. When she got within a few feet, she abruptly stopped, searching his face for…acceptance?

“Hi, Bitsy,” he said easily, and Talia moved aside so he could open his arms to his old flame.

She came to him readily.

“Damn,” she huffed. “It’s so good to see you.” She fell into his arms and he could feel a couple sobs wrack her still tiny frame. “Rats. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry.”

He felt his own eyes tear up a bit, as he gently patted her back. “Well, ithasbeen a long time.” Over her shoulder, he noted a handsome, mocha-skinned male watching them closely from behind the bar.

“I’m so glad you came,” she told him, pulling back to wipe her face on a towel she had tucked into her belt. She turned purposely to Talia. “And this must be your girlfriend,” she stated with a smile, holding out her hand. “I’m very pleased to meet you.”

Talia took the gesture and grinned. “It’s nice to finally meet you, as well. I’ve certainly heard a lot about you.”

Bitsy grimaced. “Me, or the circumstances surrounding our epic breakup?”

Fleet appreciated that Bitsy wasn’t going to dance around the past.

“Both,” Talia answered. “And for the record, nobody blames you.”

A huge sigh emanated from between Bitsy’s lips. “That’s what Ed told me you’d say.”

“Who’s Ed?” Fleet asked, already knowing it was the man with an upward quirk to his mouth, watching Bitsy’s every move.

“He’s my husband,” Bitsy replied almost giddily, drawing them into the dining room and toward the bar. “Come. Come. I’ll introduce you to Eduardo.”

Fleet blinked. So shehadgotten married, and to a man—if Fleet wasn’t mistaken—who’s skin was anything but pale.

Bitsy confirmed his suspicions.

“Eduardo’s from Mexico originally. I met him at culinary school in Southern California. We fell in love, and eventually decided to come back here to open a restaurant.”

“That’s wonderful, Bitsy,” Fleet answered sincerely. “It sounds like you have everything you ever wanted.”

“Hah,” she responded almost giddily. “You haven’t even seen pictures of our two little ones yet. Our world now revolves around them.”

Wow.Bitsy had kids. Fleet was feeling a little overwhelmed as well as joyful.

“But I’m getting ahead of myself,” Bitsy told them all as she brought the group to the bar. “Eduardo,” she easily caught his attention which had never really strayed. “This is my old boyfriend, Fleet, his girlfriend Talia, and you’ve already met Mr. and Mrs. Eggers.”