Page 71 of Talia

Fleet’s parents dropped in for a quick visit before heading off to sight-see, their ever-present security detail glued to their sides. Fleet was happy to spend time with them, but even happier they were getting to see some of the area he’d fallen in love with. His next move with them would be convincing them they needed to move north to be near him. It was a long shot, but with the advent of a possible daughter-in-law and grandchildren added to the mix, they might not be able to resist.

During the hour after his parents left, Pixie sat across from him reading a book while he took up work again. He smiled when he eventually closed his laptop and looked over at her.

“What time are you leaving?” Fleet asked.

“Probably shortly after Talia gets home,” she answered, glancing at her watch. “Doug is working a seven to three shift today, but he’s in Orono. He said he’d go home, get out of his uniform, then pick me up.” She looked down at the jeans and t-shirt she’d donned that morning. “Do you think I should change my clothes? I’m not sure where he’s taking me to dinner.”

“There aren’t a lot of places that are formal around here so I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Fleet answered judiciously, “but it never hurts to doll yourself up. Not for your date’s sake, but because it will give you confidence.” He’d heard that sentiment plenty of times from musicians who were taking the stage. They might be a nervous wreck inside, but if they decked themselves out like peacocks, it gave them a huge boost with poise.

“I think that’s good advice,” Pixie said, standing. “I’ll go see what’s in Talia’s closet, since I didn’t bring much with me.”

Fleet was also curious about Talia’s wardrobe. Did the woman have anything other than the pragmatic clothing she normally favored? She’d looked damned fine at Ever and Mase’s wedding, that’s for sure, wrapped up in some sky-blue, wispy confection that had shown off her figure and revealed a luscious portion of her legs. But he guessed that wouldn’t be appropriate for Pixie’s first, casual date.

When Pixie emerged fifteen minutes later, Fleet gave her a definite thumbs-up. “You look awesome,” he said sincerely. If Doug’s mouth didn’t drop open in appreciation, he’d deck the guy.

Talia’s closet had rendered up a pair of tight black leggings, knee-high, deep-brown leather boots, and some kind of soft—maybe mohair—beige sweater that hugged every one of Pixie’s curves. She’d clipped her hair up into a sweet but messy bun on top of her head, and brushed some pink onto her cheeks. She looked fresh, and innocent, and… Fleet wanted to give a protective growl. He was feeling very brotherly toward the heretofore vulnerable woman, so Doug better keep his hands to himself.

Not long after, with the two of them seated and again making small talk, Talia waltzed through the door, a forced smile on her face as she got a gander at Pixie. Not because of what her sister had on, but because the reality of Pix going on a date with Doug had clearly hit her.

“I see you raided my closet,” she grumbled half-heartedly. “You know I haven’t had a chance to wear that sweater yet.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Pixie immediately jumped to her feet. “I’ll find something else.”

Talia immediately became contrite. “No. No. It actually looks fabulous on you, better than it did on me when I tried it on in the store. You should keep it.”

Fleet could see the doubt on Pixie’s face, until…

“You know what?” Talia snapped her fingers. “I have the perfect necklace to go with it. Wait right there.” She came back seconds later, a long chain in her hand, at the end of which were several black, concentric rings nested amongst each other. Talia strode forward and looped it over Pixie’s head, settling it between her breasts. “There. Perfect. Your…date is going to be blown away.” She smiled brightly.

Fleet could tell how much that statement cost Talia, and rose to put his arm over her shoulders to give a comforting squeeze. “You look beautiful, too.” He nuzzled her cheek.

“Right. Fresh off patrol and in my uniform,” she scoffed.

Fleet didn’t miss a beat. “You know, I’ve always had a thing for hot women cops.”

“Liar,” Talia snorted. “You’ve always hated police.”

“Until you and your friends came along and proved me wrong. I’m man enough to admit that.”

“I can’t wait until you’re man enough to do something about it,” Talia responded, turning to capture his bottom lip with her teeth and give it a saucy nip.

“Okay you two. I call time out. The sexual tension in this place is so incendiary I might pass out from lack of oxygen. Damn. I’m just as anxious as you are for the surgeon to give Fleet clearance to…do stuff, Tallie, just to keep your house from burning down.”

They were all laughing as a knock sounded on the door.

“That’s my date,” Pixie rasped, suddenly looking nervous.

“You’ll be fine,” Talia assured her, scooting away from Fleet and surrounding her sister in a hug. “Doug is actually a really good guy. I recognize it in him even though he tries hard to hide it. And since you’ve been around, Pix, his mood has improved exponentially. But that being said, if he does anything out of line, I’ll kick his ass.”

“Thanks, Tallie.” Pixie threw back her shoulders and went to the door, pulling it open then standing back.

Doug walked in, and… To say he was gobsmacked was an understatement. He looked Pixie up and down and clearly couldn’t find his words.

Talia stepped forward. “Don’t you think Pixie looks nice, Doug?” she prompted.

Doug’s head moved up and down in the affirmative, but his hands twitched at this sides as if he didn’t know quite what else to do. Pixie solved it for him.

“I hope this is okay,” she swept her good hand down her body. “I wasn’t sure how to dress, not knowing where we were headed.”