Page 69 of Talia

Talia hummed. “If someone had told me what a nice ass he had, then maybe,” she quipped. “Not that I’ve seen much but a hospital-glimpse of those glutes yet. I’m holding out hope they’re as fine as I remember.”

Fleet snorted. “I don’t know if I’ve ever had anyone quite so fixated on that part of my anatomy before. Does that mean you’re an ass-woman?”

“Phht,” she countered. “I’m a cock woman all the way. And from the bulge and tent show you’ve managed to perform for me so far, I’m not going to be disappointed in any way.”

“Well, thanks. I guess,” Fleet chuckled. He pressed her hand again. “Have I told you how much I like that you always say what’s on your mind?”

“It’s not…annoying, or too arrogant for you?” Talia asked. She rarely worried about the way people took her, but Fleet was important. Very important.

“Not in the least. And when I’m one-hundred percent myself again, I’ll give you a run for your money. A lot of people have labeled me cocky over the years.”

“Mmm. Cocky,” she repeated. “Back to the good stuff.”

She didn’t get the laugh she was after, however, and turned on her side to study Fleet and see why.

His face, in the dark, was inscrutable, but she didn’t have to wait long for him to assuage her curiosity.

“Talia… You talk about the good stuff, but thereallygood stuff is…”

He took a deep breath, and when he let it out, he seemed somehow lighter. He’d made a decision. Clearly.

“The really good stuff is, I’ve fallen for you. Completely.”

“You…have?” Was that her voice, cracking and unsure?

“Uh, huh. And in case I’m not making myself completely clear. I love you, Talia. Without the added benefit of fucking, and despite the danger I’m bringing into our lives. I can’t imagine my life from now on, without you in it.”

“Oh, Fleet. I feel the same way. I…” she trailed off, a long silence ensuing as she struggled for words. She needed to say the words…

“For fuck’s sake, Tallie,” came the grumble from the room next door. “Just tell the man you love him and give him a toe-curling kiss. Then we might all be able to get some sleep.”

Fleet snorted.

Yup.That’s just how thin the walls were.

Talia, however, took her sister’s suggestion and rolled closer to Fleet, whispering those three very special words in his ear.

Then she kissed the stuffing out of her man.


Fleet woke up for the third morning in Talia’s house, far more settled than he had been in a long time. Talia loved him, and to that point, he was feeling…invincible.

He almost laughed out loud. He must be recuperating well, because vulnerability had been part of his persona since the headaches had begun, and he hadn’t liked that at all. After being railroaded out of Huntsville, where he’d been made to feel weak and defenseless for the rest of his senior year, he’d left, and kept his nose down to work hard in college. Then during his rise to success in the recording industry, he’d eventually regained his inner fortitude. Self-assuredness had become an integral part of his being until the damned health issues had made his day to day life so very difficult.

Now, here he was on the mend, thinking of a future that involved more than mixing boards. He was suddenly brightened by the idea of having a woman he loved by his side. Goading him; keeping him on his toes. Which he knew Talia would, whenever he hit glitches, personal or work related. He also dared think about a future family, which he’d never allowed himself to ponder before. Yup. His mother wasn’t the only one who’d been lamenting the possibility of never having little ones running around.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there,” Talia grumped, turning over and punching her pillow into a fluffed-up mound. She blinked sleepy eyes at him. “Is your head hurting?”

“No.” Fleet smiled. “Just the opposite. This is the first day I can remember in a long time where I haven’t woken up with my head pounding. I think the saying ‘love cures all’ has some validity,” he teased.

Talia snorted. “If that’s all it takes, you’re going to be super human because I plan to remind you of that all the time.” She yawned and stretched. “But right now,” she turned and cracked an eye toward her clock. “I have to get up for work. The early shift sucks.”

“Yes, but then you’re through by three,” Fleet countered. “Hey. What about you and me taking a solo walk after you get home? I’m getting a little tired of the duty-cop escort I’ve been suffering.”

“Oh really? Kyle is beginning to annoy you with his dad jokes, and you’re beginning to trip over the stick that’s up Doug’s ass?” she quipped, even though the pair weren’t scheduled to be on duty every day.

“Something like that,” Fleet returned. “Your sister’s company is good though. She can come with us.”