Page 25 of Talia

Damned beautiful ones.

“I know.” Fleet worried the inside of his cheek. “But let’s just say we do.” He turned troubled eyes to hers.

“Okay. I’ll go there.” She sucked in a breath. “If we have kids, we’ll make sure they get prophylactic CT scans every few years. Does that work for you?”

Sunshine broke out over his face before he tamped it down. “Is that a thing?”

“It is, now,” she assured him.

He clearly took her at her word because he looked far more upbeat than he had before. “Okay. Just for the record, let me get this straight.” He settled back. “First, you don’t care if I have something horrendous in my past. Second, you’ll wipe my sorry ass if I end up getting lobotomized tomorrow. And third, you’ll have my kids, even if they turn out to be broken.”

Talia rolled her eyes. “Yes, to all of the above, but do you have to make it sound like such a shit-show? How about this. One: what’s in the past stays in the past. Two: there won’t be a lobotomy tomorrow, maybe just a few challenges following yourprocedure.”She reminded him the surgeonhadn’tcalled it surgery. “And three: no kids of ours will be broken, just maybe differently put together.”

His smile grew wider, and it was real.

“Have I mentioned how much I like the optimist in you?” Fleet chuckled, staring at her mouth.

Oh yeah? Well, she’d give him what he was, hopefully, angling for.

“Have I mentioned how much I liked our kiss the other night?” She licked her lips and leaned forward.

“You may have,” he groaned.

Closing the gap between them, Fleet palmed the back of her head and pulled her forward.

Yes!His mouth met hers and just like before, insta-lust. How was it possible that this man, with his lips, could turn her world on its edge quicker than anybody who’d ever spent hours working her over in bed? Was it magic? Pheromones? She didn’t know, but at this point she didn’t care.

Talia sunk into Fleet’s kiss and breathed him in.

Moans mingled, coming from both their mouths, and she snuggled next to his hard chest, as close as she could get, but it wasn’t enough. She needed skin. Talia pulled back to draw the hospital gown off Fleet’s shoulder so she could get to that warm, enticing flesh, when the lights in the room dimmed.

“Dammit,” they both said at the same time.

“Piss poor timing,” Fleet grumped.

They laughed.

The room and hallway lights were on a timer that let visitors know when their time was up. And wasn’t that just her luck. Things had sped up to what might have been a satisfying crescendo, then come to a screeching halt.

But still, she should be happy for the roadblock. Talia couldn’tseriouslyor conscionably have jumped Fleet’s bones in his hospital bed. Someone might have walked in. And who knew if he was even cleared for sex?Uh, probably not. Even if she was on top, Talia figured sexual acrobatics probably came under the heading of strenuous exercise, which was a big no-no for a while, soooo…good then. It was a rude awakening, but a necessary one. The last thing Talia wanted to do was hurt Fleet.

“That’s my cue to go,” she said regretfully, laying a swift kiss on his nose and prying herself away from him, rising to her feet. “But I promise I’ll be back,” she told him with a grin. “And Fleet?”

“Yeah?” he answered, looking at her from his bed with happy bemusement. And didn’t that make her feel all “woot-woot”. She’d been able to distract him from his woes. With her bod, lol.

She pointed to his lap, cheekily. “You, uh, better ditch that tent before your night nurse comes in.”

* * *

In the hallwayoutside Fleet’s room, hidden in the shadows and waiting patiently, came a sneer. How ugly. The disgusting pair had almost made out right in the guy’s hospital bed. Wasn’t it bad enough they were flaunting themselves to any and all who saw them together, without compounding the abhorrence by touching each other…that way?

Disgust battled with satisfaction, because it was the last time anything like that would happen.

As soon as the corridors calmed down for the night, the plan was to make sure Mr. Eggers didn’t get the opportunity to overstep those forbidden lines again.


Sneaking into the security office that was currently unmanned due to staff shortages had been easy. Disabling the cameras in the appropriate hallway had been equally as simple. And deactivating the emergency door alarm at the far end of the building? A piece of cake. With unfettered access to Eggers’ room and the egress via the stairwell, the table had been set for the last bit of business that needed to occur.