Page 59 of Wasp

“I tried that.” Tilda moaned. “I need a solid, Wasp. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise but you know how much money this client brings us.”

Rolling over, I flopped to my back and stared up at the ceiling.

My exhaustion pulsed against my lower back as I played the run over in my head.

“It would be three hours there and three hours back.” I mumbled. “But there would be an added hour at the beginning because I’d have to get my truck out of storage.”

“I can have one of the guys pull it out for you.” Tilda offered. “All you would have to do, is show up at their depot, have the rig hooked up and hit the road.”

“Let me talk to a few people and get back to you.” I told her. “If all clears, tell Bryers I’ll do it for an extra two grand.”

“That’s more than fair.”

Hanging up, I flopped around on my bed before crawling out, showering and getting dressed. I then ran across the yard and let myself into the main house to find Eli and Dillon making breakfast together. I smiled, greeted them and set my helmet on the island.

“Where’s your father?” I asked Dillon.

“On a business call.” He replied.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“You mean after what dad told me?” Dillon wanted to know. “Fine, considering. I mean, it’s not every day you find out your mother wants you dead.”

I rubbed his back just as Carter entered the room and smiled.

“There you guys are.” He touched my cheek.

I stepped away.

“You two are so obvious.” Eli laughed.

“She still thinks it a secret.” Dillon chuckled. “We aren’t blind, Wasp.”

With my eyes wide, I looked over to Carter who was now pouring himself some coffee. I tried using my eyes to ask the questions floating through my mind.

“Yes, he knows.” Carter replied around a sip of coffee.

“If you wanted to keep it a secret.” Dillon smirked. “You should have been more carefully about your pool time.”

“We’ll talk about that later.” I promised. “Right now, Tilda from my office called. She wants me to do a quick six hour run. Apparently, the client doesn’t want their other drivers and is demanding me.”

“Did you tell them you’re on vacation?” Dillon asked.

“Did you tell them that you’re being a slaying bodyguard right now and their cargo can wait?” Eli cut in.

“Did you tell them you’re busy giving a clueless man a chance at being your boyfriend and that’s more important?” Carter added.

I held up my palms.

“Gentlemen!” I called. “To answer your questions, no, no and definitely not.”

All three of them groaned.

“Can we come with you?” Dillon asked. “It’s not a long run, right?”

I looked over at Carter who shrugged.

“I’m good with that.” He told me. “As long as it’s only for a few hours.”