Page 64 of Wasp

“Wasp! Are you okay?” Dillon called.

“I’m fine, stay down!”

I tried ramming them again, but they slammed on the brakes as I zoomed forward.

A car coming in the other direction caused myself and the SUV to dip back into our lane and that was the moment I needed.

“Hang on!” I screamed. “I need both of you to press your backs against the front seats.”

I watched in the mirror as the boys did what I asked.

“Brace yourselves.” I instructed while shoving my foot down on the brake.

Since I wasn’t heavy or hauling a rig, the chances of jack-knifing was minimal, but it was either that or get shot.

Thankfully, the front end of the SUV slammed into the back of the truck but didn’t mount it. Instead, it hit with so much force, the SUV lifted onto the front wheels, the back high in the air. I shifted into gear and drove away as the SUV flipped over—back over front.

It landed on the top and I quickly pulled over, unclicked my belt and grabbed the gun from where I had it stashed under my front seat.

“You boys okay?” I asked.

“We’re fine.” Eli assured me. “Just a little shaken.”

“Good, stay in the truck.” I told them. “Keep your heads down until I get back.”

I called Tex from my dash, using Bluetooth earbuds and hopped down from the truck. Hiding the gun behind my back, I made my way toward the now smoking SUV as vehicles on the other side slowed to watch.

“This is Tex.”

“Tex, it’s Seema.” I told him.

“Wasp!” He greeted me. “I think my wife is becoming jealous of all these new beautiful women calling me.”

“Dream on, nerd boy!” A woman called from the background. “I’m way too sexy for you to stray.”

Tex laughed. “What can Tex do for you today?”

“Someone just tried taking me out.” I told him.

“Gimme your location.”

“Aww, come on Tex.” I hunched down to look in the back passenger window of the damaged vehicle. “You’re telling me the man with the magic fingers can’t find a lil lady on a major highway in a foreign country?”

“Girl, don’t make me come for you.” Tex told me.

“Well, my beautiful Texan, is that an offer you think I should refuse?”

He laughed heartily. “You could get me in trouble—let me amaze you with my skills instead.”

I made a sound in my throat.

I was no doctor, but I was pretty sure the large shard of glass sticking out that man’s chest meant he was dead.

The driver was familiar—Rupert Gosling. He groaned and tried unclipping his seatbelt, but he was trapped. The front of the SUV was crushed all the way in from the force he crashed into my truck with and if he survived, they would have to use the jars of life to get him out.

Even then—he probably won’t ever walk again.

I felt no pity.