Page 63 of Wasp

Mozzie patted my hand.

“A boyfriend?” He arched a brow. “About damn time.”

My cheeks heated but I sat around with them for a few minutes to eat, used the bathroom again then hit the road.

Even with an accident halfway into our second stint, we still managed to make it to the destination on time. It took a little longer to unhook the rig from my truck, but the boys took the time to wander away from the warehouse to the water.

I kept my eyes on them—even though we were so far from Toronto, I still didn’t want to take any chances.

Eventually, they returned when Eli needed to pee, and I used my access to let them into the building.

“Who’re the kids?” One of the regular workers asked.

“Step-son and his best friend.” I shoved a piece of candy into my mouth.

Dillon had given it to me earlier, but I was too business maneuvering the truck into the right bay.

“Wait, you’re seeing someone?” He asked.

“Why are you surprised?” I tilted my head. “I know y’all see female trucker and thinkshe wants to be a man, but I can be feminine.”

“That’s not what I was thinking at all.” He held up a hand in surrender. “It’s just—well, you’ve been single for a long time.”

“Yeah.” I muttered getting up as I saw Eli walking out with Dillon. “Thanks for that reminder.”

The beginning of the ride back was smooth, but we hit a weird kind of mid-afternoon traffic situation that didn’t feel right. Checking around the vehicle, I switched lanes then eventually pulled the much lighter truck from the highway.

Since it didn’t have a rig on it now, I could drive along certain streets that wouldn’t usually allow eighteen-wheelers.

“Um—Wasp?” Eli called as I made a left turn.

“Don’t look now. But, someone is following us.” He explained.

When Dillon tried looking, Eli grabbed his arm.

“Don’t look!” Eli demanded. “Is your seatbelt on?”

“Duh.” Dillon replied.

I checked my mirror to see a blue Mazda SUV behind me.

“They pulled out behind us about half an hour ago.” Eli explained. “They darted though traffic to get behind us and they’ve made every turn we’ve made since then.”

“Shit.” I grumbled.

Once we made it to an area that seemed like the middle of nowhere, the SUV began making its move. It sped up since there was no other traffic on the two-laned highway and began trying to pass me or get alongside me.

Each time they swerved out of the lane, I checked oncoming traffic and swerved back in front of them.

“Get into the back.” I told the boys. “Hurry—and hang on.”

Eli ensured Dillon was through first then climbed in after him.

No sooner as they did, the SUV swung along side the driver’s side, and someone began shooting upward at me.

Swearing, I eased down on my speed, lined up the front of my truck with the side of the SUV and twisted the wheel to the left.

Though my truck hit it, and they zig-zagged, the driver was able to keep control and someone from the back seat fired at me.