Page 76 of Taz

“These two, we lock away and make the decision later.” I gently tapped her nose with a finger. “Once the doctor comes and check on Beam, I’ll take you guys home.”

“Me too?” Taz rested her head on my shoulder. “Take me home, Storm. Please?”

“I promise, baby.”

After hugging her for a moment, she rose and walked down to where Sheriff was. She used a foot to roll him over then hunched down by his head.

“All I wanted to do was work.” Her voice was low. “And after you and your lapdogs tried to kill me once, I walked away. I went to an entirely different country. Yet here you come. I want you dead. But I’m trying so hard to be a better person, to deserve the good I found. But I know you and this idiot over here will never stop.”

“I’ll kill you.” Sheriff barked. “No matter how long it takes. And when you’re dead, I’ll leave your body out for the critters to get it.”

Taz’s body language changed as she straightened her body to its full height. She pulled her gun from her holster and fired two shots at him.

One caught Sheriff in the chest.

The other splattered his brain matter in the dust.

“How about you, Koala?” Taz asked.

“Taz!” I called.

“No.” She frowned. “Enough is enough! I’m tired of running. I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of not being able to focus on you and the happiness I know you can bring me. And if he comes for me again, I’ll kill him. The thing is, why wait?”

She aimed the weapon toward Koala’s head.

The man instantly started crying.

I hurried down and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

“Come on, baby.” I pleaded with her. “If he comes for you again, I’ll kill him myself.”

“Then what do I do with him?”

“We take him to the desert and leave him there.” I told her. “Show him the same curtesy, he showed you.”

Taz turned and buried her face into my neck. I managed to take the gun from her hand, ejected the cartridge and backed away from Koala, taking her with me.

“You can’t do this to me.” Koala called. “I don’t deserve this.”

“No?” I snapped, releasing Taz and stalking over to where he was in the dirt. “No? You tried to kill her! Not once—and even after she walked away, trying to find new, you came after her. So now, you face the consequences.”

“This isn’t about you.” Koala pointed out.

I growled and hunched down by his head. I shoved him over and grabbed him by the front of shirt.

“Listen very carefully.” I spat. “Jo West is mine. And so far, I’ve just been here as backup for her. But you don’t get to deal with her anymore. If you survive the outback, and stay away from her, we’ll leave you be. But you come for her again, and Iwillblow up your world and fuck the consequences. We clear?”

Koala didn’t answer but I dropped him, stepped over his body and took Taz’s hand.

“Lock him up.” I ordered a couple of Arturo’s men.



Before leaving Thailand, my team had me benched. They hadn’t even pretended they didn’t have a problem with me. They didn’t even try hiding it.

They claimed it was because my head hadn’t been in the game. A large part of me agreed with them. When they moved me from the elite team to investigations, I said nothing. I faced my unofficial demotion with my head up.