Page 74 of Taz

I quickly checked then took off running.

“We’ll run interference.” Lizard promised.

I didn’t slow down until I entered the courtyard in time for Taz to go sailing through the air into a concrete column and someone grabbing me around the throat from behind. Taking a second to focus on my own life, I allowed the panic to morph into anger.

Once that seed was planted, I exhaled it out my mouth, knowing I had to get free or go unconscious.

Driving my head backward into his forehead, I ignored the pain and dropped my weight downward. He must have still been stunned for he released me and staggered backward. His hands immediately went up to his face and I swung my body into a roundhouse kick to drop him.

Panting for air, I turned as Taz swung her body around her assailant, gripped him by the neck and sort of climbed him like a tree to hug her thighs around his neck.

She then dropped her body, headfirst, toward the ground sending the large man backward. He landed on his shoulder and head—kind of lurched then went still.

Taz rolled away from his body but managed to push herself, shakily to her feet. She stumbled again and slipped to one knee—paused then stood.

I was running toward her when a dark shadow peeled itself from the darkness to my right. After a quick check to make sure it was a hostile, I stood in his way.

“Storm.” Taz called.

“Breathe!” I hollered, dodging a high kick.

I knew that fight had taken a lot out of her. If I could give her time to gather herself, I was going to do just that.

Instead of backing away, I brought both fists into the large man’s chest and followed it up with a kick to his crotch. I backed up, allowing him to fall to his knees before Superman-punching him to the side of the head.

He fell, face first, to the ground.

I was turning to check on Taz when a loud boom echoed through the air. Looking around, I realized Lizard and Beam had yet to enter the courtyard.

“Beam!” I shouted, sprinting back toward the sound.

Taz followed me.

A second boom sounded.

We rounded a corner just as Lizard fell to his knees beside Beam, calling his name.

“Come on, Kid.” He called. “I’m going to need you to stay awake.”

“Beam!” I skidded to a stop by them.

Lizard was already peeling Beam’s shirt off as it began quickly soaking in blood. My heart fell out of my chest.

“Make sure no one else is lurking.” Taz ordered.

I glanced up as she kicked away the man’s gun them slammed her foot in his ribs before stomping on his gunshot wound.

I assumed he was the man Lizard shot for hurting Beam.

“Taz.” I barked. “Do that later. Right now, we need to give Lizard time and a buffer to take care of Beam. Got it?”

She glared at me, but I simply gripped her shoulders and spun her to face the other way.

“Go.” I barked.

Though she went off, I was sure she wasn’t pleased, but Lizard need the time if Beam was to be okay. I took one final look at Lizard and the attentive way he took care of my partner and knew I could trust him. Just before I took off running, Lizard scooped my partner into his arms and carried him into the house.

Though I wanted to be by their sides, I knew the best way to keep them safe was to take care of the danger that would be lurking.