Page 62 of Taz

With my head filled with thoughts, I had Beam shower and go to bed after he’d eaten. I could tell he was exhausted, and I felt horrible.

He was in a foreign country for the first time, and he couldn’t even enjoy it.

After I cleaned up, I checked in on Darby. He was fast asleep, probably knocked out from the pain meds we’d given him. Ensuring the room was secured, I exited and locked the door behind me, then began pouring over the information in the books we’d found at Clive’s.

It still bothered me about the personal information Clive had on Taz.

Flipping to the very last page, I found something I hadn’t seen before. And because the page was kind of stuck to the back of the book, I didn’t think Taz saw it either.

“Recent break-up bad.” Clive had written. “I’m not entirely sure why she was with that guy. A woman like that could do so much better, yet she chooses to waste everything she was blessed with on him. Why couldn’t she have chosen me?”

Was Clive in love with Taz?

Shaking my head, I closed the book, held my breath then exhaled and opened it again.

Yes, the words were still there. Beneath it, was a picture of Taz. It was obvious she had no idea it was being taken.

“What was this guy’s deal?” I muttered.

I checked the USB stick again.

It was mostly the same things.

Military information he shouldn’t have had—that meant, either someone on the Golden Frogs gave it to him, or he had an insider. The thing was, as a genuine reporter, he wouldn’t have written down anything about his source.

Stumped, I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my eyes.

My phone chimed.

I thought it was Tex but it turned out to be a text message from Taz.

“Are you feeling lonely, Taz?” I teased.

“Lol. Don’t tease me now when I can’t do anything about it.”

“I could stop by, and we could make out in the car.” I told her.

“Anurak, behave”

“I can still hear the way you say my name as you come.” I couldn’t help texting her back. “I’m glad you call my actual name in bed. It turns me on.”

The sound of an engine pulling into the driveway caught my attention. I let her know before grabbing my gun from where it was sitting and rushed to peek out the glass at the side of the door.

Lizard’s large frame came into view, and I let him in.

“Don’t worry—it’s only a lizard. We’re good.”

“LOL. You two get some rest.” She replied.

How was I supposed to sleep knowing she was alone out there?

Lizard showered and with a towel wrapped around his hips, he ate then went to put his clothes in the washer.

I knew I wouldn’t be getting a wink of sleep.

My woman had no backup and until I could see her, hold her, touch her, I wasn’t closing my eyes.

To have her not worry about me, I refrained from messaging her too often. Each time I did, I told her I was either up to use the bathroom, or to check on Darby. Most of the times it wasn’t a lie.