Page 54 of Taz

“How many women name Jo do you know?” The anger in her voice was palpable.

“I didn’t do anything to Jo, Ma.”

“You’re lying.”


“You’re lying. Because she was just here, and she’s pissed off.” She informed him. “After all the things she’s done for you—all the times she’s had your back and saved your pathetic life, you’re going to lure her back here so they can—what? Kill her?”

“No one is dying, Ma.”

“Is that what they told you?” The mother demanded. “Is that what they told you? Christ on a cracker, you’re stupid. They tried to kill her twice, moron! And those are the only times we know about. Listen, Taz owns your life for all those times she’s saved it. If her or her friends takes you out, consider it repayment.”

“I’m your son!” Darby shrieked. “Your blood!”

“And not one day of your miserable life did you make me not regret that fact.”

“Ma.” Darby pleaded. “Don’t say that.”

“Don’t call me that. A son of mine wouldn’t have done what you’ve done.” She sounded genuinely heartbroken. “You’re alone in the world now, Darby. On your own because Jo West was the only person left who thought you were worth saving. Why did you do it?”


“Speak, boy!”

“The money.” Darby all but sobbed.

I looked over at Taz in time to see her heart break.

“Don’t you crash on me, Jo West.” I smacked her shoulder. “You kick his ass first then cry about it later. Got it.”

She lifted her chin and met my eyes.

“Sir, yes sir!”

“P’Tex, do you have anyone who can keep their eyes on Darby’s mother?” Beam asked.

“Good idea, Kid.” Tex approved. “Working on it.”

“In the meantime, we need to get our hands on Darby.” I reached over to squeeze Taz’s hand. “This is your world, we’re just visiting.”

“We can’t hit the restaurant now.” She cleared her throat. “Too many chances of shit going wrong and innocents getting caught in the crossfire.”

“We’re going to have to hit him going in or coming out.” I leaned forward to get a better look.

The place was one long building, cut into different units. The restaurant was in a kind of crevice, sandwiched tightly between two other businesses.

It would be a complete shit show to go in hot.

“There is an underground that leads up into the actual restaurant.” Storm advised. “There’s a basement area too. They’ll just drive him into the underground, we’d never see him.”

“Would he sleep here?” Tex asked.

“Yeah—he knows I know all the property he owns.” She replied. “And since he can’t go home to mama—”

“This is where he’ll lay his head.” Tex nodded.

“So, we sneak in when he’s asleep.” I smirked. “Show him the same curtesy the Frogs showed you.”