Page 39 of Taz

“I have been summoned.” He smirked. “Who am I watching?”

“Darby.” Beam replied.

Tex’s right eyebrow shut up.

“Um—I don’t understand.” Tex told us. “We’re tailing your boyfriend?”

Grunting I rubbed my eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend—for the millionth time.”

“Sure—why are we following him?”

“We found some information that leads us to believe he’s involved more than he’s admitted, P.” Beam replied. “It’s precaution.”

“Taz?” Tex turned his eyes to me. “What’s going on?”

“The books we found contain information that no civilian should have.” I began. “In the very back of one is info on me—some very personal—information only a friend or family member would know.”

“And he’s the only—” Tex paused. “I’ll bury him. And I’ll make sure he’s alive when I do it.”

“Not yet—let’s see how this plays out first.” I smile at Tex.

I couldn’t remember ever meeting a man like Tex.

He was friendly, loyal, beautiful to look at—but messed with his friends and he would turn into the devil if tested.

Of course, he was married.

No sane woman would come across John “Tex” Keegan and not want him.

Sighing, I leaned forward.

“Thanks, Tex.” I told him. “I mean you barely know me—”

“Barely know you?” Tex smirked. “Woman, you come with Kaos and Zoom. Like it or not, you’re a part of this family now.”

“Meaning?” I smiled.

“You’re stuck with me.” Tex laughed haughtily. “You should have read the fine print.”

Beam laughed.

I shook my head.

Storm entered the room then and greeted Tex by pressing his palms together and bowing his head. Tex winked at him before his head slid to the side of the screen and a map appeared in the center. There, an orange dot was moving at a steady pace, away from the house toward the waterfront.

“Do you know what’s in this area?” Tex asked.

“Beach.” I shrugged. “A few diners opened for the view. There is a biker bar—but that’s about it.”

“Where the hell is he going?” Storm mumbled.

“Okay, how about I keep the tracker up?” Tex asked. “The rest of you can run-down any leads you find on your end. Maybe get out of the house for a little air.”

I wasn’t sure that was the best idea.

But it was kind of horrible keeping Storm and Beam couped up in the house because my friend is sketchy.

That hurt me beyond belief.