Page 33 of Taz

“We’re here.” I told him.

Storm opened one eye before sitting up to look out the window.

“Damn—sorry.” He muttered. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep—”

“If you call me P, I will slit your throat.”

His dark eyes regarded me silently before he nodded and let himself out of the vehicle.

There were enough rooms for everyone to get one. And soon the house was quiet, me standing by the window, staring out into the yard with the dead lawn and flowers. There was never a day I wanted to come back to this place.

Eventually, I climbed into bed and fell asleep. I didn’t know how long I’d been out before someone was shaking me and calling my name.

The nightmare had crept up on me, seeped underneath my skin and took over everything. I struggled against the hands, trying my best to get away.

“You’re safe, Taz. I’m here.”

The softness of Storm’s voice soaked through the fog of my brain. When I looked up into his face and recognized him, I fell against his chest, wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his throat.

“Storm.” I sobbed.

He rubbed my back.

“I’m here.” I promised her. “I’ll stay right here.”

“I’ll get her some water.” Beam’s voice came from the door.

“What’s with all the yelling?” Darby asked.

“Get out.” Storm growled.

“But if—”

“Not the time, Darby.” Storm’s voice held a warning.

I didn’t pull away from him or look up. The fear still curling through me kept my arms tight around Storm, even when he tried prying me off him so I could drink the water Beam brought me.

“Drink some water.” Storm whispered. “When you get some into you, I’ll hold you for as long as you need me to.”

Reluctantly, I did as he pleaded.

“I’m going to leave you two alone,” Beam said. “If you need me, just call.”

After drinking a little more water, I reached for Storm.

Thankfully, he kept his word.

Storm crawled into bed with me and gathered me against his side with my head on his chest.

“Want to talk about it?” Storm asked.

“Not really.” My voice cracked. “But at some point, I’ll have to tell you. I’m just not ready.”

“I can wait.” He kissed my head. “Get some sleep.”

Storm pulled the sheets up to our shoulder and held me a little tighter.
