“Yes.” I replied. “You really should use a bank, Turo. When you have that much cash lying around, people find out, and then you become a target.”
“A target? From whom?”
“Not until we make a deal.”
“I like the way you think.” He chuckled. “Nothing irritates me more than a weak woman. How much?”
“I don’t want money.” I leaned forward.
“You don’t?” He lounged back in his overstuffed chair. “What else could there be? I might guess and say you want my body.”
I laughed.
Honestly—I laughed out loud until I couldn’t breathe.
“You’re a good-looking man, Turo.” I admitted drying my eyes. “But I don’t want that either.”
“Well, you’d be the first. Now you’ve got my curiosity aroused. What do you want?”
“The men coming for you tried to kill me twice.” I divulged. “And I want their heads.”
A slow smile spread his full lips.
“Ahh, yes. Good-old-fashion vengeance.” He nodded. “What do you have in mind?”
“So glad you asked.” I lounged in the comfortable seating. “I could go after them but I’m only a four-man squad. You have muscles. I suggest we work together. You keep your money and I get them.”
He stared at me for a while.
“And you’d trust me to keep my word?” He asked.
“Tyr and Kaos trust you.” I explained. “If you weren’t a man of your word, they wouldn’t have called in this favour for me. And I’d make you regret it.”
Arturo stared into my eyes as if he was looking for the truth of the kind of rage I would use to burn his entire existence to the ground.
I’m not sure if he found what he was searching for, but eventually he nodded.
“I see.” He murmured.
He rose and walked over to his window to look out.
I waited impatiently as he seemed to make up his mind.
“Very well.” He turned and walked back to his chair. “We have a deal. But you have to know, Taz, I remember people when they’re good to me and mine. Understand?”
I offered him a smile.
“I get it.” I replied. “But I don’t need anything.”
“How about a very rich boyfriend?”
Blushing, I shook my head.
“He may not be very rich, Turo,” I said. “But I do have a man. And trust me, he’s everything.”
“Lucky man.”
Standing I shrugged. “He seems to think so.”