Hank didn’t speak.
“Shit.” I grunted. “I can’t believe I said all that out loud.”
“I do know how it feels.” Hank admitted.
“I’m going into this with Kokou with an open mind.” I explained. “Before if a woman looked at me cross-eyed I immediately began wondering about her motives and if Kennedy would be safe with her.”
“And now?”
“I know what I want—I’m just waiting on Abeke to figure out if I’m what she wants. I wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to run. She didn’t sign up to be the mother of a six year old.”
“That’s a good attitude.” Hank told me. “But you know her pretty well—she won’t run because of a child. Look, worry about all that later. First we figure out why your ex is trying to kidnap your daughter—then you can—”
“Montana?” Swede spoke from the door.
We both looked up at him as he extended some paper to Hank.
I sipped more from my drink.
Hank scanned the papers. “Well, that explains that.”
“Explains what?” I asked. “Is it something to do with me?”
He nodded.
“Cassandra recently found out she can’t have kids.” Hank read. “Her husband, hervery richhusband wants children.”
“Figures.” I scoffed. “She wants to hold on to the husband by producing a child. Unbelievable. She doesn’t really want Kenny—”
“She wants to use her to appease her husband.”
“Over my dead body.” I growled. “I’ll see her dead first.”
“Well.” Hank stood, lifted both his hands above his head and stretched until he moaned. “Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that. When was the last time you used a gun?”
I frowned. “Not since I left the ranch.”
“It’s time you get a refresher.” Hank headed for the door without looking back.
Irritated, I downed the rest of my lemonade, picked up the uneaten sandwich and carried it back into the house. I dumped it into the compost, set the plate into the sink along with the glass then wandered through the house to where I found Hank pulling handguns out of a large safe that resembled something from a futuristic movie.
“When you’re out there, we’re not expecting you to get into a shootout.” Hank explained. “We’re not expecting you to be perfect. But we do expect you to have our girl’s back.”
“Aren’t you sending someone else with her?”
“Yeah—Reaper. But he can’t be everywhere at once.” Hank handed me a gun. “Their eyes can’t be everywhere at once. This is your life, Daniel. You’re going to have to help them protect it.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat and accepted the gun.
Training took about an hour before I excused myself to find where Kokou was sleeping. When I found her, I closed the door and crawled into bed behind her. She didn’t move until I drew her backward into my chest and kissed her neck.
She moaned, rolled over and rested her head against my chest.
“You okay?” She asked, softly.
“Mm.” I replied. “Hank just put me through my paces with a handgun.”
She laughed, a soft, husky sound that turned me on.