Page 73 of Unleashing Kokou


“Were you jealous?” I teased, reaching over and poking his arm.

“Yes.” Daniel admitted. “No man wants to admit his woman was with someone else. Even though I knew going in you weren’t a virgin—that I wasn’t your first. I just prefer to live in denial.”

I smiled.

“Listen, Kokou—I’m sorry I made you feel as if I thought you were a monster.” He kissed my ear.

“Daniel, stop.”

“No, I have to say this.” He insisted. “I almost lost you because you didn’t plug Anna in the chest after she shot you. I always want you to come home—even if it’s not to me.”

I framed his right cheek and exhaled.


Nodding, I kissed him tenderly. “Okay. Come cuddle me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The doctor allowed me to go home the next day with strict instructions to stay in bed. Before I could complain, Daniel promised I would adhere to the rule and took me back to his place. He didn’t take me to a guestroom—instead, be sett me up in his bedroom with his laptop, my fully charged phone and a bowl of the most delicious popcorn I’d ever put in my mouth.

“Soda?” I asked.

He kissed my forehead and left me alone while I logged into the computer and began going through my email. There were a few requests to rent my place in Nigeria. I’d forgotten to take it off the vacation rental site.

The moment I got in, I suspended the listing.

“My queen.” Daniel teased, pressing the cold can to my cheek.

I hissed and took it from him.

“What are you doing?” He asked, crawling into bed beside me.

“I forgot to suspend my property on this vacation rental site.” I told him

“You have a rental property?” He looked.

“It’s not a full rental.” I told him. “I list it when I’m not there. It’s an easy way to earn a little extra money. I’m not super wealthy.”

“The bodyguard gig doesn’t pay well?”

I shrugged. “I’m fairly new to this.”

We didn’t get Kennedy that night. Instead, we video chatted with her, Daniel made me a nice dinner then made love to me. He was gentle, soft, careful with my body.

Each kiss lit my body ablaze.

Each pass of his fingertips over my skin made me tremble.

I clung to him, spread myself for him and took everything he offered. His mouth flowed over my skin, making trails after his fingertips.

Then he pulled me on top of him and that took the pressure off my wound. The adrenaline pumping through me did marvels for the pulsing around it, and when my first orgasm surged through me, it was all but forgotten.

He framed my neck with his warm palms, sat up then wrapped his arms tenderly around me. “My turn, baby.”

“Of course.” I sighed.