Page 4 of Unleashing Kokou

“It’s not on him.” Andy shrugged. “It’s just been a rather strange few days. He’s been stretch quite thin.”

I scoffed. “If he’s not here in five minutes, I’m out.”

Andy nodded and exited the room while pressing his cell to his ear. While I didn’t hear what he was saying as he disappeared down the hall, I knew he was probably trying to figure out where Daniel was.

The thing was, Daniel had always been that way. He was never on time for anything because his parents were wealthy and thought people should cater to them.

I didn’t really go with that plan.

I believed a man should be of his word—he needed to honour his responsibilities and show up when he was supposed to, where and when he was supposed to.

If I was late for a mission my team was screwed—my friends, brothers would get hurt.

Irritated, I walked over to the glass wall and stared out at the land around us. The view was amazing, but the sun was now hidden behind some rather angry looking clouds. I was hoping the rain wouldn’t start until later in the day, but I supposed I had no way of controlling that.


“Sorry, I’m late.”

I didn’t turn right away.

His voice alone annoyed me more than it probably should after all those years.

It was a quick pause, but I used it to gather myself before shifting on my heels.

“What do you want?”

“It’s good to see you, Montana.”

“Don’t call me that.” I shook my head. “You haven’t earned that right.”

Daniel licked his lips and dragged his palm along the back of his jeans. “Did Andy offer you something to drink?”

“Cut the small talk, Daniel.” I told him. “What do you want?”

“I hear you’re running a team called the Brotherhood Protectors.” Daniel sat in one of the chairs. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his thighs. “I need your help.”

“Call the cops.”

“The cops know.” Daniel explained. “It’s just right now, I don’t think it’s their top priority and I can’t just sit around and do nothing.”

“Then hire celebrity bodyguards.” I tossed my hands up. “I hear you can afford that now.”

“I don’t trust them. Not with this.”

“And you trust me?” I demanded, incredulously. “You don’t even like me.”


“Hank, nothing.” Exhaling loudly, I dragged my fingers through my hair then forced myself to sit across from him. “Start at the beginning.”

“I don’t know if you watch hockey—”

He stared at me as if he expected me to say I did. I merely stared back at him.

“Right.” Daniel nodded. “I play for the Montana Rebels. At the end of last season, we were in the playoffs for the first time in over twenty years. Final game—this one is for all the marbles. I choked.”

“What does you choking in a game have to do with my protectors?”