Our day ends with dinner at an Italian restaurant near Central Park, where we laugh and talk until it’s almost time to head out on the next part of our evening. The part I’m paying for. The part I genuinely hope Kaitlyn is up for.

Our entire day together has been an incredible adventure of learning new things and, most important, getting to know one another. With no business distractions, I opened up more than I have with any other woman, even telling her about my family and the lack of emotional support I experienced. I mention my best friends and the Sutherland Group, though I don’t go into details. They’ll be time for that later, I hope. She tells me about her ex and her friend. How any guy could let her go, I’ll never understand. I wouldn’t let her out of sight if she were mine.

After dinner, we take a cab to the airfield, where I’ve chartered a plane to fly us to Atlantic City. Her eyes widen when she realizes an executive plane is waiting for us, one attendant standing at the bottom of the stairs, ready to take our bags.

“I’m confused. I assumed we were going dancing or something.”

“We are.”

“On a plane?”

“No, the plane is taking us to the club.”

She stops in her tracks, jerking me back a step with her hand. “We’re leaving New York?”

“We not going far. It’s just faster to fly.”

She glances at the aircraft, and for the first time since I’ve met her, I see fear in her eyes.

What an idiot I am.

I drop our bags to the pavement and take her hands in mine. “Kaitlyn, I promise you, this is nothing dangerous, nothing nefarious. I’m rich. I’m very rich. I travel by plane all the time. It’s fast. I wanted to take you to a club tonight.”

“I’m sure there are clubs right here in New York.”

“There are, but I admit, I want to impress you. And I’d like to be somewhere that people won’t necessarily recognize me.”

“Oh.” She swings her head toward the plane again. “You’re not trying to kidnap me, so you can kill me and dump my body somewhere.”

I cup her cheek. “No. I promise.”

She studies me hard, her eyes darting back and forth across mine searching for the truth. “I shouldn’t trust you. I hardly know you. But my Spidey senses aren’t tingling. That’s good, right?”

“How about when we reach the stairs you give that man over there your name, phone number, and tell him where you live? I’ll have him send it to somebody, anybody he knows, for safe keeping.”

She looks at me like I’m crazy but slowly nods her head.

I kiss her quickly, eager for more, but we need to board.

On the jet, after a stop to hand over her personal information to the flight attendant, who seemed very perplexed by my request, I can’t help but smile at her cautious enthusiasm as she stares out the window, admiring the scenery below. She turns with a questioning look.

Keeping my voice low out of respect for the pilot and for her. “I told you—tonight is on me. All will be revealed soon enough. Once we’re in the air, why don’t you change in the bedroom?”

“There’s a bedroom?” She’s like a baby owl, eyes big and slowly blinking as she swivels to look behind her.

An hour later, we’re taxying to the terminal. Kaitlyn looks good enough to eat in a short, sequinned turquoise dress that hugs every curve. She’s piled her hair on top of her head, leaving a few tendrils to hang loose around her face, and her make-up is smoking hot. Those pink-tipped toes are teasing me from a pair of silver four-inch high chunky heels.

While she dressed in private, I quickly changed and cleaned up in the main cabin.

I arranged for a car to meet us. The driver quickly escorts us to the back seat and then whisks us away to our destination.

We haven’t spoken much, but that’s okay. I want her relaxed. I want her to enjoy what she’s about to experience. My cock is already hard, eager and ready to please if she gives the signal.

When we arrive at the Velvet Room, we’re greeted by bright lights at the entrance and surrounding buildings. Kaitlyn is speechless as we stroll through the venue, checking out all the rooms, bars, and dance floors. Her eyes are huge with wonder, and her mouth is gaping in amazement.

This place is like something out of a sultry fantasy. Guests enter an exclusive lounge with velvet curtains, exquisite music, and plenty of seating options. A large dance floor is the main focus on the first level of the club, with a DJ playing a mix of music genres to get the crowd going.

There’s an array of private alcoves for couples interested in more intimate experiences. Upstairs there’s a VIP area that offers more exclusive access to the club’s more discrete amenities, with a complimentary bar and more private rooms.