He gives me a funny look. “Okay.”

“You wait here.”

I trot over to the other truck. Glancing back to see Elliott watching me, a lightness in his eyes and I wonder if it’s always there or just for me.

It takes about seven minutes until my turn, and I can make my selection. Playing it a little safe since I don’t know what Elliott likes, I ask for an assortment of dumplings with some rice.

When I’m back at our little table, he glances up at me after taking a swig from his water bottle before tackling his food. “Do you have plans while you’re here?”

Shrugging, I sweep my gaze around the picnic tables surrounding us. Most are filled with families or couples enjoying the evening fair. We have community events back home, but it’s not the same. I can hear traffic a street over. People are shouting. Occasionally, a car honks its horn or squeals its tires. There’s a buzz amongst the activity that doesn’t exist in a small town. “Nothing specific. I didn’t have time to make any reservations for shows, and I’m sure all the best ones are sold out. I decided to book a flight and hotel before I could second guess myself.”

“You mentioned winning money for this trip.”

I nod. He waits patiently for me to finish chewing. The pork-filled dumplings are delicious, and I can’t hide my enjoyment, which seems to amuse him. “Yes. A fifty/fifty draw at one of the pubs where I’m from to raise money for their games room.”

“And what made you choose New York?”

“I hoped to come here for my honeymoon.”

He rears back. “You’re married? Engaged?”

“I was.”

He leans forward again. “Should I say I’m sorry?”

At first, I was hurt. Then embarrassed. Then pissed. Pissed lasted a long time. I’m back to embarrassed. “No. I’m getting over it.” Once I got beyond the anger, sadness hit. I lost my best friend in the breakup, and I could have used her shoulder. “So what about you? I know you’re a bellhop, but what do you like to do for fun?”

Elliott squirms on the bench and tucks another bite of food into his mouth. I hope he’s not ashamed of his job. He gets to meet so many people every single day. It must be exciting.

“I travel a lot.”

“You can afford it?” I want to slap myself for being so rude. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s alright. There are Fairchild hotels all over. I spend time at each of them every year.”

“Wow. That’s an odd thing to do in your job, but I guess it’s a great way to see different places.” I sigh heavily. “If I had all the money I saved over the years, I’d be able to do more travelling. I want to see so many places.”

“What happened to your savings, if I may ask?”

“It paid for my ex-boyfriend’s education.”

“That was generous of you.” He looks skeptical.

“At the time I thoughtImeant as much to him as his medical degree.” I also thought I meant more to my best friend than he did. Guess I was wrong on both counts.

“Why don’t we focus on what you plan to do while you’re visiting? I can show you around if you’d like.”

“What about your job?”

“My schedule is flexible.”

“You must have a nice boss.”

He grins, and, oh my, it’s a devilish grin that, on his chiselled face, is sexy as fuck. “The best.”

The sun is setting, and the crowd is thinning out. The street fair is wrapping up. Elliott stands and holds out his hand again for me to take. On the walk back, he calls the driver to meet us.

“This has been a fantastic evening. Thank you, Elliott.”