“What’s the point?” I ask him now. Nobody sticks around for the long term. What made me think Kaitlyn would be different?

“The point is from everything you’re telling me, she’s the one person who makes you happy.”

“You make me happy, Coby. You and the guys. And my money. My money makes me happy.” Neither my best friends nor my bank account will leave me.

He flips me the bird. “You know what I mean.”

I scrub a hand down my face. I’m so tired. I haven’t slept in days. Not since the last time I heard from Kaitlyn. I know she got home safely. She told me she missed me. And not a word since.At the time, I didn’t think my looks bothered her. I didn’t think she cared about the gifts or the fancy restaurants and sold out shows.

That was over a month ago. Five long weeks.

I should be pulling my hair out in worry, fearful that something terrible has happened to her.

But I know she’s okay.

I have money. Which means I have resources.

And my resources have told me she’s back at work at the landscaping company that employs her.

Maybe I should just count my blessings that I don’t have to spend any more time and money on a woman who had no true interest inme. Maybe it was just a week long adventure for her. Nothing more.

Coby walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Look, man, you can do this. You have the resources to find her if you really want too.”

I can’t look him in the eye, so I mutter instead. “I already did.”

The asshole has hearing like a bat. “Then what the fuck are you still here for?”


“What if...”

I can’t seem to finish either sentence. In every other aspect of my life, from when I was a troubling making rich kid to the moment before Kaitlyn mistook me for a bellhop, my confidence wasn’t the problem. At least not for making decisions.

Leave my family home as a young adult? One of the easiest decisions of my life.

Use my trust fund to buy a hotel chain? Sure, why not.

But another hotel chain? Absolutely.

Make the hard business decisions? Without blinking an eye.

Charter a plane to find the woman I love and confess said love, hoping I mean as much to her and she’ll drop everything and marry me? I’m a quivering mass of blue Jell-O.

Coby gives me a look of encouragement, one that says he believes in me even when I don’t believe in myself. “I have to say, I can’t wait to meet her.”

An hour later, I’ve paid through the nose for a chartered flight to Idaho because I wasn’t willing to wait two days for my regular crew. The cab ride to the airport is a blur; my mind is racing faster than the car on the highway.

I check in at the counter, get my ticket and go through security. The process takes forever, and I almost want to turn around several times. What if she won’t see me? What if I’m too late? What if she doesn’t feel as I do? My palms are sweating, and my stomach is in knots.

Finally, I make it to the gate and sit in one chair. The sun is setting, and I watch as the shadows lengthen across the tarmac. Lost in thought while my flight is delayed, I ignore the other passengers around me.

I have no idea what awaits me. All I know is this moment will determine how I will spend the rest of my life: in blissful joy with Kaitlyn at my side, or just more lonely nights on my own.

Finally, it’s time to board the plane. As soon as I’m seated in first class, all thoughts vanish from my head, and all that remains is a single purpose: find Kaitlyn and tell her how much she means to me before it’s too late.

My stomach sinks as the plane takes off. I close my eyes and try to remember Kaitlyn’s flawless face, her voice, and bright laugh—all things I love about her. It feels like a lifetime ago since I touched her and kissed her.

I take a deep breath and keep my thoughts from wandering too far. I’m going to find her. I’ll make her see how much I care about her. I’ll make her understand that she belongs with me.