I wanted an adventure. It can’t get any better than this.

Unfortunately, all good things must end.



Kaitlyn is leaving in the morning, early.

I’ve spent the last two days ditching work commitments to spend every minute I can with her. She’s put up a few weak arguments about me spending money on her, but she’s enjoyed the shows I’ve taken her to, the shopping we’ve done, and the food we’ve eaten.I think, I hope, she’s as desperate to spend time with me, as I am her.

And I’ve been entertained by watching her. It’s impossible not to smile when she’s around. I’m sure my staff is confused, seeing this different, more light-hearted side of me.

I even convinced her to allow me to buy her a beautiful evening gown. She noticed it in the window of a shop we were walking past, almost yanking my arm out of the socket when she jerked to a stop, and I didn’t. But, the longing in her eyes and the woeful sigh—I dragged her into the store to try it on. She looked exquisite. We argued for a few minutes, with her insisting she had nowhere to wear it and she couldn’t spend money on something so frivolous. But I don’t care if it hangs in her closet forever—every woman deserves a beautiful dress.

Especially after her experience at my hotel. When I watched the security video to discover who had taken her things, I was floored to see Celeste on the camera. When I confronted my Hotel Manager about her actions, she had the gall to insist I could do better. Thatshewas a better woman for me. Thatsheunderstood my needs.

The woman is old enough to be my mother.

I fired her on the spot.

Finally, after much prodding, Kaitlyn relented, thanking me profusely as we left the store with the silver garment bag draped over my arm. Maybe I can persuade her to wear it tonight, so I can at least see her twirl about the room in it once.

As the day wears on, it’s like watching sand in an hourglass. The weight of it is suffocating, like a boulder on my chest.I don’t want her to leave, but I can’t bring myself to open my mouth and beg her to stay.

We spend the day together talking, going from topic to topic, never running out of things to say. We talk about her family, her friends, about her job.

Kaitlyn opens up about her ex and how crushed she was when he left after she had paid his way through medical school. My fists clench as I think of what she went through and is still going through because of him. Seeing him or her friend everywhere in town. Their mutual friends and families consumed by wedding preparations.

She admits she escaped to New York to avoid the wedding. Only she heard from her friend Margo that the wedding had to be postponed because the bride fell ill.

I imagine many ways I could make her ex pay for his actions. A perk of being rich. I’d be happy to waste some cash hurting him like he hurt her.

What hurts my heart the most, however, is how she speaks with such sadness about losing her best friend, a girl she’s known since grade school. They both betrayed her love and her trust. I hope they’re both miserable now.

Every time the conversation turns to Kaitlyn leaving in the morning, silence falls between us. Neither of us wants to face the fact that this is the last time we will ever be together.Her family, her friends, and her job are back in her hometown. My hotels are everywherebuther hometown.

After dining on room service, opting to spend the night in, we’ve spent the evening wrapped in each other’s arms in my bed. Our legs are tangled together as are the sheets around our bodies as they cool and the sweat from our lovemaking dries.

“I’ve done all the talking most of today. Tell me about your family.”

I’ve let her do all the talking because of my desperation to learn everything I can about her. I’m taking inventory, keeping track of all the details so I can remember them in my dreams.

I join our hands together, stroke her fingers, and simply enjoy the warmth of her skin against mine. I can sense the minutes ticking away, and I’m already becoming sad and angry that we can’t have more.

“Well, I grew up in small town like you. My family was one of the founders. We lived in a big house, with lots of staff.”

“Seriously?” She tips her head back so she can look up at me. “I didn’t realize you were that kind of rich.”

“My parents come from money. My dad actually, but my mom really liked that he did. She’s the one who hired all the staff. She never missed an opportunity to treat others like they were beneath her. Didn’t make for a large friend circle.”

“Where did you fit into all of that?”

“I didn’t. I was a bit of a trouble maker.”


I tap the end of her nose. “Don’t be sassy. They sent me to a private school for a while. I got expelled. They sent me to boarding school. I got expelled. They finally allowed me to go to the public school.