Page 39 of The Wedding Bargain

"I can see that," Dad says, his voice calm. "You light up whenever you talk about him--you always have. And if he makes you happy, then that's enough for us."

I nod, feeling a lump form in my throat. "He does make me happy. I just...I don't want to mess this up."

"You won't mess it up," Mom says, her voice reassuring. "You and Finn have a connection that is rare. You're meant to be together."

I look at her, feeling a wave of emotion wash over me. "Thanks, Mom. Dad."

"Anytime, sweetheart," Dad says, patting my hand. "Now eat up before your food gets cold."

I nod, and we all dig into the delicious breakfast. The conversation is light, but there's an undercurrent of happiness and excitement that I can feel. I can't wait to talk to Finn, to see him in person and finally clear up the misunderstanding. As I finish my breakfast, I grab my phone and send a quick message to Finn.

Jenny:I got your messages. Can we talk?

He responds in a split second--and I can picture him just watching the phone, waiting for a text. It makes my chest burn with excitement, my heart on fire.

Finn:Of course.Meet me at our spot in an hour?

I smile, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over me.Our spotis instantly recognizable to me--the place where we used to sit by the river and talk about everything. We would take his dad's truck out and steal beers from his family's fridge and

It's where we had our first kiss, where we made our wedding bargain so many years ago.

I think this conversation will be a lot different than the ones we used to have. Hopefully with averyhot epilogue.

Jenny:I'll see you there.

Chapter eighteen


Theringisburninga hole in my pocket as I sit beside the river and try desperately to breathe.

I've been here for hours--not just to meet Jenny, but tothinkand remember and figure out how the hell I'm going to stop myself from going ahead and asking. Tasha and my mom are so obsessed with the perfect plan for a proposal, but I can't imagine hiding that from Jenny all night.

She's my best friend.

My ride or die.

She'll see right through me.

I've already ordered flowers--I'll pick them up later. But now, I'm meeting Jenny at the river, and my timeline is bumped up even faster than before.

The thing is...I don't feel rushed.

If anything, I feel like this isn't moving fast enough.

I hear tires crunch in the tiny parking lot, and I turn around to find Jenny getting out of her car. She's perfectly messy--her hair down around her shoulders, no makeup on, wearing an animal rescue t-shirt and a pair of cute pinstriped shorts. I love her so fucking much.

How did I not realize how much Ilove this womanbefore now?

"Hey," she says with a wave as she comes closer, her purse slung over her shoulder.

"Hey," I respond.

We stand there for a second--more awkward than we've been in ages.

" wanna sit?" I ask.

We sit together on the bench by the river, our knees touching but both of us with our hands in our laps. Jenny clears her throat and brushes a strand of hair back from her eyes, and I gulp down my panic.