Page 50 of Rescue Me


Everythingisgreatbetweenme and this is the moment of truth.

We're about to tell Alex.

I can't stop tapping my foot on the floor as Evan makes pancakes and I sit at the kitchen table, waiting for Tasha and Chance to pull up and drop off my son. I figure he already knows something is up, but I don't know how he'll react to this guy just coming into our lives and being here...

I glance up when Evan puts his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, darlin'," he says. "He's getting a fancy breakfast, we're gonna spend the whole day running around with the dogs...he wants you to be happy just as much as I do."

"But he's a kid," I murmur. "He doesn't really understand."

Evan leans down and kisses me softly, his hand still lingering on my shoulder. "He's smarter than you give him credit for," he says. "Kids are perceptive, and he can see how happy we make each other. He'll understand."

As if on cue, the sound of a car pulling up outside interrupts us. The dogs start barking and running around and I stand up, smoothing out my PJs. The front door opens and Tasha and Chance walk in, my son bouncing excitedly between them.

"Mom!" he shouts, running over to wrap his arms around my waist. He doesn't even seem to notice Evan, more interested in me and the dogs than anything else.

"Hey, kiddo!" I say, picking him up for a hug. "Did you have fun with Tasha and Chance?"

"Yeah! We played in the treehouse and I got to eat lots of ice cream!" he says, grinning.

"That sounds like so much fun," I say, smiling at him.

It's only then that he looks back at Evan, and his brow furrows in confusion.

"I thought you said Evan was going to Brazil," he says, stumbling over the country name like it's some fantasy land. I guess, to a kid, it kind of is.

"No, that was just...I didn't know for sure," I say. "But I was trying to find a way to tell you something about me and Evan, and I want you to know you can ask any questions you have, okay?"

He wiggles his mouth around like he has a thought, then he points at Evan. "Do you love my mom?"

Evan's jaw drops and his eyes dart from me to Tasha and Chance, who are still standing by the door. Tasha has her daughter on her hip, and Lyra starts excitedly shouting about love again.

And it all clicks.

"Oh my God," I laugh, looking at Tasha. "That's what Lyra was going on about?"

"She would not stop," Tasha says with a sigh. "I guess we can't keep any secrets around her...little tattletale."

"So it's true?" Alex asks.

I look him in the eye, searching for any sign that he's upset. "Is that okay with you?" I ask. "Would you like Evan to spend some more time around here?"

Alex looks from me to Evan, and I can see that Evan is utterly terrified by my seven-year-old right now. He should be--Alex is my fiercest defender.

And I'll protect him just as hard...which means, if he doesn't give the all-clear to Evan, we'll have to work through it.

"Mom, can you put me down?" Alex asks, articulating more than usual so I know he's serious.

I put him down and he walks over to Evan, tiny in comparison. Evan gets down on his level, kneeling and--as far as I can tell--forgetting about the pancakes.

"I have some conditions," Alex says. "You have to make pancakes at least once a week."

"Done," Evan says, nodding.

"And can't make my mom cry anymore."

Evan gives Alex a serious look and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I promise I will do my darnedest not to make your mom cry," he says. "I want to make her happy--just like you, kid."