Page 16 of Rescue Me

"Yeah," I say. "That's because I'm his brother."

I've always been told I look more like my brother Caleb, not that I've seen him in ages. But then, here he comes, along with my brother Gray and his wife Claire. A whole gaggle of kids is with them, all running out to play with the puppy.

And my mom is at the door, golden light spilling out from behind her.

This's kind of like paradise, isn't it?

"Let's get inside, bud," Sam says, ruffling Alex's hair. "We've been driving all day and I'm ready for some of that pie you mentioned."

We make our way into the house, exchanging hugs and greetings with everyone. I've been in Fern Hollow a couple times--mostly for weddings, baby showers, and birthdays--but I'm still getting used to how my family has grown. Especially all the kids around, since it feels like my sisters-in-law are popping out babies left and right.

"How many brothers do you have?" Alex asks as we walk inside. "It seems like there's a lot."

I laugh. "I feel the same way, buddy. Uh...four? And Sadie's my sister. And then there are the cousins..."

"I wish I had a brother," Alex says. "Or even a stinky sister if that's all I can get."

Tasha is right around the corner as we walk in, and she nudges him a little. "Hey--I keep telling you sisters aren't stinky."

"But Lyra is stinky!" Alex says.

"Because she's a baby," Tasha laughs. She stands up straight and gives me a one-armed hug, said baby on her hip. "Evan! It's so good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Tash," I say. "And Chance?"

Chance comes up behind her, having been playing with the kids in the living room, and he gives me a big hug. "It's great to see you, brother. Wish I'd known you were meeting up with Sam here or we would have introduced you ahead of time."

"We got along just fine," Sam says. "As I guess I should've expected...since he's related to y'all."

"Well, it's good to have you," my mom cuts in, beckoning us all toward the kitchen. "You ready to eat?"

"Oh my gosh, yes," Sam says. "I'm starved."

We all mosey into the kitchen, where two tables are set--one for the adults and one for the kids. I see all my siblings sitting down at the table with the families, and even my cousin Jake is here, along with Tasha's brother Finn.

They're all so happy.

They look like they belong.

I sit down next to Sam, Alex on the other side of her. My mom starts peppering me with questions from one side of me, while Alex keeps laying them on me from the other. The dogs all play in the living room, the youngest baby--Grayson's infant daughter Amelia--watching the dogs and giggling uncontrollably.

"So you go all over the place and get dogs?" Alex asks, his eyes wide. "That sounds cool."

"Yeah, kind of," I say. "It's a fun gig."

"Where have you been?"

I think about it for a second, trying to figure out the coolest place I've been to brag to this kid about. He's going to love it, I'm sure--and I want to impress him.

Why? Because I want his mom to like me.

"I was in South America for most of this year," I tell him. "Spent some time in Brazil, then in Colombia."

I can sound like Indiana Jones--even if all I am is a glorified rescue specialist.

"That'sso cool," Alex says. His eyes are so wide they're practically bulging, food around his mouth as he shoves it down.

"Alex, mind your manners," Sam says with a small smile. "Let Evan eat, okay?"