Page 11 of Rescue Me

The tears fall as soon as I ask, and she reaches up to swipe at her eyes. "Would you mind driving the rest of the way?" she asks, her voice breaking. "I just...uh...I can't really see through all this saltwater."

"Yeah," I say. "Go ahead and pull over."

She does as instructed, crying softly the whole time. I get out right away, ignoring the dogs howling and whining, and come around the front of the car only to bump right into her, keys in hand.

But she doesn't move.

Neither do I.

This would be the time for a mumbled apology, for me to awkwardly shuffle past her and hit the road again. But we can both feel that's not where we're at right now.

Instead, I wrap my arms around her and hold her.

Cars drive past on the highway, but Sam doesn't care, and neither do I. She tucks her head into my chest, my chin on top of her head, and she just...cries into my t-shirt. I can't know exactly what's on her mind--I don't have a kid, and I've never lost someone like she has--but I want to make her feel better.

"Never ask if someone's okay when they're trying not to cry," she murmurs, her voice muffled by my t-shirt. "That's rule number one."

"Got it," I laugh, rubbing her back. "Sorry."

"And don't apologize either," she says. "That makes it worse."

I laugh again. "Okay..." I start. "In that case--get it together, Sam."

"Wow," she laughs, finally lifting her head. "Harsh much?"

The tone changes as soon as she meets my gaze. Her eyes are this deep, rich brown, her lips dusky pink and parted slightly. I catch sight of her tongue flicking over her lower lip, and I can't...

Maybe it's the wrong move. She's clearly going through a lot.

But I kiss her.

Chapter seven


Ihaven'tkissedanyonesince David died.

The moment before he left for his last tour in Afghanistan is cemented in my mind. It was overcast, a beautiful fall day in Oregon. I walked him into the airport and kissed him hard, Alex on my hip as David headed toward security with his bag over his shoulder. I knew it was dangerous, but I didn't know it would be the last time I saw his smiling face.

He was it.

He was forever.

Then this seismic shift happened. David was gone, and forever looked a whole lot different.

Someone is kissing me, and he's not my husband--so why does it feel like this might be a new forever?

I take a shuddering breath as Evan wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in against his hard chest. My hands loop around the back of his neck as I give into the kiss, trying not to cry because that would sendthe absolute wrong messagewhen all I want to do is kiss and kiss this man until...

...until when?

I don't know.

He stops kissing me, and I bury my face in his t-shirt again and breathe him in. He smells like pine deodorant and laundry detergent and...well, like dogs. I try to keep it together when my head isspinning, out of control.

"Sorry," he breathes. "We should get going again."

"Don't be sorry," I say, looking up at him. "That was was a lot. But I liked it."