Page 6 of Rescue Me

"Right," I nod, knowing he's right. I'll never forget about David; I'm still wearing his ring, and I don't know if I'll ever take it off. "I think it's just hard to..."

I pause.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laying this all on you."

"We're spending two days in the car together," Evan shrugs. "Think of me as a sounding board. My lips are sealed."

"Okay," I sigh. "I think it's harder because...because I worry that all the pressure is on me as a parent now, and I never planned on that. Like, if Alex turns out to be a bad person, that'smy fault. And what if I...what if I don't love him enough? Even leaving him behind was painful?"

Evan shakes his head. "Look--you know my family, right? So you know my dad wasn't around, and I wouldn't take back a damn thing about my upbringing."

"You can't exactly compare me toTeresa Hart, though," I murmur. "She's of the century. I mean, she's more of a mom to me than my own at this point."

"She's pretty great, but I can tell you're right up there with her," Evan says. "You seem like a great mom, you know. Alex is lucky to have you."

I feel a blush creep up my neck at the compliment. "Thanks, Evan. That means a lot coming from you."

We lapse into silence again, the only noise coming from the radio softly playing in the background. The puppy in my arms lets out a little snore, and I can feel myself starting to doze off as well.

But just as I'm about to drift off, Evan's hand brushes against mine on the console between us. It's a small gesture--and I'm sure he meant it to be kind, not whatever it is I'm feeling right now--but it sends a jolt of electricity through me.

I look over at him just for him to squeeze my hand and withdraw.

"Is it your first time leaving him behind?" he asks. "Since your husband passed, I mean."

I nod. "Yeah. He's staying with Chance and Tasha, though, he'll have a great time."

"He probably misses you," Evan says. "But one day, he's gonna grow up and be proud that his mama's such a badass."

I laugh. "I sure hope so."

Chapter four


It'safterdarkwhenwe pull into the long and winding driveway of Blackberry Lane Farm, our hosts for the evening. I haven't been able to get a hold of them, so I hope they haven't gone to bed yet; me and Sam are both exhausted from the trip, and the dogs are anxious to run out their energy a bit before we all turn in for the night.

The lights are off when we pull up to the house, but one pops on as soon as we open the door. I see an old woman's face poke out of the front door, along with an elderly man, and I raise my hand in greeting before getting out and opening the door for Sam.

"Ah--you finally showed up!" the woman says with a smile. "We were starting to think you'd be another day."

"Didn't have a signal out on the road," I tell her. "Sorry about that."

"No problem at all," she says. "It's Lucille--and Tom, back there, but he probably won't talk much. He's shy."

Sam comes to stand next to me and extends her hand. "Sam Valdez, with Safe Harbor, and this is my colleague Evan Hart. We've got fifteen pups ready for a quick run and some dinner if you've got the time; otherwise we can take care of it ourselves."

"Of course, dear," Lucille says with a warm smile. "Tom and I would love to see the pups run around a bit. We'll just have to sneak them in through the back. Can't have our neighbors complaining about the noise this late at night."

We grab the pups from the back of the car, and Lucille leads us around to the back of the house. As soon as we open the door, the dogs bound out of our arms and into the wide-open space, barking and wagging their tails in excitement.

I watch as Sam runs with the dogs, her long dark hair tumbling free from her messy bun. She looks so free and alive, and for a moment, I forget where I am. Forget that I'm here on business, and that there's still work to be done tomorrow.

My eyes meet Lucille's, and I see that she's been watching me. She gives me a knowing smile and shakes her head. "Young love," she murmurs. "How long?"

I snort, shaking my head. "It's not like that. We actually just met."

"Oh," she says, but that knowing smile doesn't go away. "So that's not your ring on her finger?"