My legs went weak underneath me, Amy rushing over and putting her hand on the small of my back, easing me onto the bed.
“OK, I know the last few days were kind of a blur, but don’t forget that you just popped outthreekids. Give yourself some time, alright?”
I took a few deep breaths, the babies still wailing. When I was ready, I tried once more to get up, Amy helping me that time. Step by step, I made my way over to them and they stopped crying.
“Look at that,” Amy said with a smile. “You’ve already got the magic touch.”
I said nothing, smiling at the sight of my precious children. My heart swelled with pride and love as I gazed at my three cherished babies, Connor, Caleb, and Caitlin.
Connor, the oldest by a few minutes, had sandy brown hair that looked almost golden in the soft morning light. His hazel eyes locked onto me with an intensity I felt in my heart.
Caleb, on the other hand, had a head full of tousled sandy brown hair that seemed to have a mind of its own. His eyes, just like his brother's, were a mesmerizing shade of hazel, but he had a slight wrinkle between his eyebrows that gave him a serious expression.
Finally, there was Caitlin, my little princess. She had the same sandy brown hair as her brothers, but her eyes were dark, just like mine. Her long eyelashes rested against her chubby cheeks as she fell back to sleep, her tiny fists curled up beside her face.
As I looked at each of my newborns, I couldn't help but feel amazed at how different they already seemed, despite being less than a week old. Their unique personalities were already starting to shine through, and I couldn't wait to see how they would develop and grow over time.
“What’s up? They OK?” I glanced up to see Sean and Sam and Seth all rushing into the room.
“We came as quickly as we could,” Seth said. “Kind of a trek in this apartment.”
Sam said nothing, instead stepping over to the bassinets, one after another, checking to make sure the babies were good.
“Here’s what I’m thinking,” he said. “I know you want to have the little ones close at hand.”
“But Mom needs some rest,” Sean chimed in.
Seth nodded. “We’re all here for you. Three kids are a lot, but there’s three of us, remember?”
Amy pointedly cleared her throat.
“Four,” Sean said with a smile. “And we’re in the middle of finding some more help around the place so we can devote all of our attention to you and the kids.”
“Hey, Aim?” Sam asked. “Let’s get the triplets in their nursery. Thinking we’re going to have that talk with Gen.”
Amy nodded and winked. “Got it. Maybe a little help?”
“Talk?” I asked. “What’s going on?”
Without another word, Amy, Sean, and Seth began wheeling the bassinets out of the room. I took one more look at the trio, part of me wishing they could stay in the bedroom with me forever, another part of me knowing we all needed our rest.
Once they were gone, Sam nodded toward the balcony, a serious expression on his face.
“Here,” he said, offering his arm to me. “Allow me.”
I took his arm, and he held sturdy as a column as I eased myself off the bed.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, leading me to the balcony doors.
“Sore and tired, but grateful.”
He smiled, opening the door and allowing me to exit first. I stepped out onto the balcony and right away began basking in the warm sun. The city was alive with the sounds of people going about their day, and the energy was infectious.
In spite of the mostly sleepless night and the exhaustion that still lingered in my bones, the bright and sunny morning lifted my spirits. I gazed out at the stunning view before me, feeling grateful for my little family. The Empire State Building loomed in the distance, and I could see the glimmer of the Hudson River beyond.
“Hell of a view, huh?” he asked, placing his hand on the small of my back as we looked out together.
“It’s something else. Nice contrast to the craziness down below.”