The guys regarded each other with a curious expression.
“We expecting someone?” Sean asked as he took a seat next to me.
“Not that I know of,” Seth replied.
Sam glanced away for a moment, considering the matter. “Probably one of the staff coming in through the front doors for whatever reason.” He looked over at me to explain. “They’re usually in and out through the side entrances, but they’ll come in through the main doors if they need to.”
Sean clamped his hand down hard on his brother’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, man. We’re all here, and we’re about to have some fun.”
“Now, where was I?” Sam said as he leaned back down to my breasts.
He began kissing my collarbone, Sean turning my head to kiss me hard and deep, just the way I wanted. Seth kneeled in front of me, kissing my legs and making his way up my thighs.
I closed my eyes, kissing Sean as Sam moved toward my breasts and Seth closer and closer to my inner thighs. A big, stupid smile formed on my lips, the idea of spending a long, lovely, lazy hour or so with my guys about the best thing I could imagine.
That’s what I thought, at least, until the door opened.
We froze, my eyes going wide at the familiar voice.
No way.
I turned slowly, knowing who I was about to see.
Amy was there, in the flesh, standing in the doorway with an expression of total shock on her face.
“Gen? What the fuckis going on?”
Chapter 23
There I was, sitting on the bed next to Gen, my daughter standing at the entrance to the bedroom with her eyes wide as saucers.
How the hell was I going to explain this to her? There was no possibility of, “it isn’t what it looks like.”
“What’s going on here?” she asked, total disbelief to her voice. Before I could get out even a word, she closed her eyes and raised her palm. “No.No.I don’t want to know. I just need to…”
She couldn’t even finish the sentence. Amy forced open her eyes, as if she wanted to make sure she was really seeing what was right in front of her, then hurried from the room as quickly as she could, her footfalls quieting as she ran down the hall.
“Holy shit.” Seth sat back on his heels, running his hand through his hair. “Did that really just happen?”
Sean didn’t reply at first, instead springing up and hurrying over to his robe, grabbing it and throwing it on. Once he was dressed, he tossed my robe over.
“It really just happened,” he finally answered his twin.
“We need to talk to her,” I added. “Now.”
I turned to Gen, who was sitting still, looking stunned.
“You can stay here,” I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. “We’ll go talk to her.”
She blinked hard, as if coming to her senses, then lifted her eyes to me. “No. I need to be there too. I am just as much a part of this as you guys are.”