Before he could finish, another soft, pleasured sigh came through the door.

Sam nodded, as if he’d obtained all the information he needed. “We should get out of here, give her some privacy.”

“Oh…Oh, Sean.”

Sean’s eyebrows arched. “Did she really just say my name?”

“Sure as hell sounded like it to me,” Sam replied. “Guess it’s not up for debate what she’s using for, uh, inspiration.”

The surprise faded, a cocky smirk forming on Sean’s lips. “In that case, maybeIshould handle this conversation on my own. I’ll catch up with you guys later, let you know how it went.”

Neither I nor Sam had a chance to reply, as anothermoan came from behind the door.

“Sean… Sam…”

Sam blinked hard, as if taking a moment to process what he’d just heard.

“OK. Wow.”

“Looks like we need to retool this conversation,” I said.

Sean scrunched his forehead, making a put-on frowny face. “You need a minute, bro? I mean, you might be feeling a little left out.”

“Seth… please…”

Sam nodded, as if he’d heard all he’d needed to. “My office. Right now.”

We didn’t argue the point. Together, we hurried down the hall and up the stairs, not saying a word to one another until we were safe in Sam’s office, the door shut and locked. Once there, Seth and I dropped into our chairs, Sam going for a bottle of whiskey from his bar and pouring us all a glass.

“Thanks,” I said, taking mine as he brought it over.

Sean grinned. “You guys want to do a cheers? Say, to being the three men Gen can’t stop thinking about? Or moaning about?”

“Cute,” I said, Sam easing into his chair as I spoke. “But seriously, this is some shit we need to figure out.”

Sean appeared confused. “What’s to figure out? I mean, this might’ve been a little complicated if she wanted only one of us, but she clearly wantsall three. Seems like the easiest thing in the world to me.”

“We all have her,” I finished Sean’s thought, putting it right there in the open.

“No,” Sam’s voice was deep and low, dropping the word like an iron weight. “Wedon’tall have her.”

Sean took a sip, leaning forward as he did before speaking. “What? Why the hell not? I mean, it’s not like we haven’t shared women before.” Sean flicked his eyes over to me.


“And we all know from experience that the hardest part is finding out whether or not the girl’s on board for sharing. In this case, we already know! It’s a no-brainer if you ask me.”

Sam shook his head, not seeming swayed by the argument. “No. We’re not doing it.”

“You want to explain why?” Sean asked.

The thing with the three of us was that Sam usually had seniority, veto power, one could say. We didn’t ask “how high” when he said “jump,” but his voice carried quite a bit of weight. Needless to say, if he wasn’t on board with Gen, it wasn’t going to happen.

“It’s a good question,” I added. “Sean’s got a point about how it makes things a hell of a lot easier if we already know how she feels.”

“I’ll tell you why.” Sam sat back, holding his drink on his lap. “Can either of you tell me what the women we’ve shared have in common?”

“All sexy as hell,” Sean quickly replied, a smile on his face.