The mere idea of firing Gen was enough to make me laugh. “You kidding? I’m already half-convinced we need to hold onto you for dear life. What I wanted to talk to you about was taking time off.”
“Little early for vacation planning. Just being here feels like I’m on one.”
“You say that now, but work is work. If you keep at it with no breaks, you’re going to get burnt out. And believe me, I’ve seen more than a few burnouts in tech. They’re not pretty.”
“Well, tech is a very high stress field.”
“Right. What I’m getting at though, is to take some breaks so burnout doesn’t even become an issue. With that in mind, I think you should pick at least one day out of the week and make it your day off.”
“At leastone day?”
“Most normal people get two days off a week.”
“That’s assuming I’ve ever considered myself normal. I’ve spent the last two years studying my butt off for my Masters, not to mention the obscene amount of hours I had to put into my portfolio to have the MET eventhinkabout hiring me.”
I grinned. “Then you’re in good company. The reason I know about burnout so well is because my brothers and I are all workaholics, to put it mildly. I used to work every single day until about ten years ago when I realized how unsustainable that was. For me, it’s Sunday. End of the week, no work at all. What about you? What’s your day?”
She pursed her lips and looked aside. “What’s today?”
“Well, Ihavebeen wanting to check out the beach. And then there’s that amazing pool out there…”
“Wait, you’re telling me you haven’t gone for a swim once since you’ve been here?”
She shook her head. “Been busy looking after this little man. Not complaining at all, mind you. And after he’s down for the night, it’s time to do more research for the MET job.”
“Then how about Tuesday? Take your day off tomorrow.”
Gen smiled. “That actually sounds kind of nice.”
“The guys and I can easily look after Bobby one day a week. Hell, we were doing every day before you came along.” I checked my watch, seeing that it was a little after three. “How about you start now? I’ll watch Bobby and you get to catching up on your relaxing.”
She pursed her lips and shook her head. “No way. I can at least finish the day with him.”
I grinned. “Come on, it’s a beautiful day, and you know that pool’s calling to you. Would it make it any easier if I told you it was boss’s orders?”
She glanced away, her tongue moving across her lip in indecision. It was insanely sexy.
“Well, if the boss is ordering me…”
“Then it’s done. Yo, Bobby! Want to hit the park?”
He turned on his heels, his big, bright blue eyes flashing with excitement as he nodded, a huge smile on his face. Bobby may not have been much of a talker yet, but he knew what he liked.
“Then let’s move. Gen, the rest of the day is yours. Hit the pool, take a nap—whatever you’re in the mood for.”
She pursed her lips again, drumming her fingers on her knee. Finally, she spoke. “I have to hit that pool. Then maybe a beach day tomorrow.”
“Whatever makes you happy.”
With that, Gen rose and gave Bobby a big hug, letting him know that she’d be at the pool if he wanted to say hi. Once she was gone, I picked up Bobby and headed upstairs with him to put together the toddler backpack for a trip to the park.
As I stepped into my room to grab a few things for myself, I opened my balcony door and peered out.
Gen hadn’t wasted a moment before getting into her swimsuit and heading out for a dip. She was dressed in an orange bikini that complimented her olive tone perfectly, a thin wrap around her waist transparent enough that I could make out the luscious curves of her hips.
It was enough to make my jaw hang down like some kind of cartoon character. I watched as she pulled off the wrap, setting it on one of the deck chairs before stepping down into the water. It was impossible to look away. She made her way gingerly down the stairs leading into the pool, vanishing below the surface of the rippling waves. She swam with total grace, moving like she’d been born underwater. After a few laps, she swam to the edge and placed her hands on the side, pushing herself up. Water cascaded down her body, her dark hair slicked against her upper back.