But I couldn’t stop.
Only Amy’s face appearing on the screen on the wall snapped me out of my dangerous thinking. She grinned broadly at the sight of Bobby.
“Hey, little dude!” she waved her hand enthusiastically. “What’s up?”
Bobby responded by getting up and toddling over to her, waving his hand when he was closer to the screen.
“What’s up, how are things going?”
“Hey, Aim,” Gen said, giving a quick wave of her own. “Not too much is up, actually. Well, other than staying in the most amazing house I’ve ever seen with the cutest little man I’ve ever met. Seriously, I can’t believe this place.”
“It’s something, huh? I mean, that view from the backyard over the Mediterranean... wow.”
“No kidding. The weather is perfect, and the sea air makes you feel refreshed with every breath, it’s amazing.” She scooched over to Bobby, wrapping her arm around his little shoulders. “And I can’t wait to explore the beaches with this guy.”
“Oh, he loves the water,” Amy replied. “That means be careful—once he’s at the beach, it’s a whole production to get him to leave. The kid could live there if the guys let him.” She glanced aside, as if not sure how to say what she had next on her mind. “Speaking of the guys, how are you all getting along? Are my dad and my uncles being cool?”
I was already feeling like an eavesdropper, so I wasn’t about to stand there while Gen talked about me and my brothers. I made my presence known by knocking on the door frame.
“Yo! Not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Uncle Sean!” Amy’s voice went up five octaves like it always did when she was excited, my niece letting out a high-pitched squeal that could’ve broken glass.
“Whoa!” Gen put her hands over Bobby’s ears. “You’re going to pop the kid’s eardrums!”
I laughed as I plopped down next to Bobby and Gen. It was impossible not to notice how damn good she smelled, like lavender and pure vanilla pheromones pouring out of her.”
Amy laughed, shaking her head. “Seriously, it’s good to see you! You know, you guys are all pretty hard to get a hold of considering how you’re supposed to be retired.”
I grinned. “Come on, you know we’re only technically retired.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” Gen put her hands on Bobby’s shoulders as he plopped down on her lap.
“And I was just asking about you three,” Amy said. “You taking good care of my best friend over there?”
“I think we’re treating her right,” I said. “Been here for three days and she’s already impressing me.” I glanced over at Bobby, who was still seated on Gen’s lap. “Speaking of impressed, Bob here’s crazy about her.”
“I can see that,” Amy replied. “Not sure I’ve ever seen the little guy that close with someone after so short of a time.”
“Yep. Hell, the kid took a month to stop hiding behind Sam’s leg whenever I came in the room. With Gen, well, what can I say? She’s a natural!”
Gen’s olive cheeks tinged red. “You guys, seriously. I’m not doing anything special. Kid probably likes the smell of my body wash or something.”
“Now, now, don’t sell yourself short,” I replied, giving her a little friendly chiding. “It’s more than just your body wash, though I have to admit, that does smell pretty good. You’re great with the kid. I have to admit, I had my doubts about a live-in nanny, but those vanished on day two.”
A crafty smile formed on Amy’s mouth. “Or maybe the little guy has a crush on you.”
Gen laughed. “I’m pretty sure this kid’s going to grow up to be a heartbreaker.”
Amy glanced offscreen for a brief moment, letting out a sigh. “Alright, workday’s starting over here. Got to let you guys go.”
“Yeah, I should get back to it,” Gen replied.
We said our goodbyes and I love you’s and ended the call. Bobby clambered off Gen’s lap and went over to one of his stack of toys, an expression of total focus on his face as he began playing.
“Speaking of work,” I began. “There was something I wanted to talk to you about.”
Gen cocked her head to the side as she turned to me, a sly smile on her face. “Not firing me already, are you? And here I was just getting settled in.”