We sat like that, snapping pieces together, Bobby occasionally babbling to me, as if explaining or narrating what he was doing.
Still no words. I tried to tell myself over and over again that it wasn’t a big deal—that’s what our speech language pathologist had made certain to reassure us of.
All the same, I couldn’t help but wonder if the reason he wasn’t speaking was because the three of us were doing something wrong. Sam was a dad, but Sean and I had been figuring it out as we went along, building the plane mid-flight, as Sam had once said. He’d assured us that we were doing great, that Bobby was coming up just fine.
Still, the boy had lost his parents. No way that hadn’t affected him profoundly. That grief had to be down there somewhere.
Bobby interrupted me, opening his mouth and pointing to his belly, making auh!Sound. It was his go-to way of letting us know he was hungry.
“Ready for dinner, bud?” I asked.
He repeated the gesture and noise, this time hopping to his feet and heading to the door.
“Easy, dude!” I sprang to my feet. “Give your geriatric pops some time to catch up!”
When he reached the door he stuck out his little hand toward me, wanting me to take it. I happily did, the two of us heading out of the room and into the hall. In the far distance I could hear the pipes working in the way they did when one of the showers was running, the sound putting the image of Gen into my head.
I imagined her in the shower, her perfect body soaped up, her hands moving over her curves as she washed herself. It was distracting. I did my best to put the image out of my mind as I went down the hallway with Bobby, the kid taking his little steps as he held my hand tight.
The water shut off as we walked. As we reached the top of the stairs, I heard a door open all the way down the hall and Gen stepped out, smiling as she laid eyes on us.
“Hey! Heading down to dinner?” The hallway was so long and vast that her voice echoed.
“Sure are.”
Bobby looked at her then looked up at me. Still smiling, Gen bounded over to us. Her hair was still damp, slicked back behind her ears. She wore a light, flitty sundress with a red and purple floral pattern, looking like something out of a dream. Light poured into the hall from the window at the end, casting her in an ethereal glow.
Once she reached us, she dropped down to her knees in front of Bobby. Her position gave me a nearly complete top-down view of her cleavage, and it took all the restraint I had to look away and not stare like some kind of horny frat bro.
“What’s up, big guy?” Her voice was warm and friendly as she spoke to Bobby. “Ready for some dinner?”
He pointed to his belly again, Gen laughing.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
She sprang back up to her feet, her breasts bouncing a bit. “I’m starving. It just hit me while I was taking my shower. Something about flying really brings the ravenous appetite out, you know?”
“I know exactly what you mean. Takes all the restraint I have not to spend international flights pigging out the whole time.”
She smiled in my direction, showing off a sliver of perfect, white teeth. “Glad we’re on the same page.” Gen turned her attention down to Bobby. “And what’re you in the mood for, big guy?”
He responded by pointing at his mouth.
“Whatever they’re making, huh?” she replied. “I like that attitude.”
“Not too picky of an eater,” I said. “Thank heaven for small miracles.”
Bobby carefully made his way toward the top of the stairs, turning toward Gen and offering his hand to her, making a little grunt.
“You want me to help you down?” She squatted in front of him, placing her hands on her knees.
Bobby nodded in response.
“Well, I’d be happy to. Let’s go, handsome.”
She rose, taking his hand. I stepped aside, watching as the two of them made their way down the stairs slowly and carefully. I couldn’t help but allow myself a small smile as they stepped, Gen keeping a close eye on him and offering words of encouragement with each footfall.
When they reached the bottom, Bobby turned around with a big, beaming smile on his face, clapping his little hands. Gen and I applauded, Gen dropping down to give him a big hug.