But there was nothing more fun to me than chasing my kids around, listening to their wild peals of laughter as they rushed around our home. I peeked around the corner of the living room, spotting the trio within, their eyes lighting up as they looked for me.
“Alright, I’m coming for you guys!”
Connor still had the sandy brown hair that he’d been born with, and his eyes sparkled mischievously as he explored his surroundings with a sense of adventure.
Caleb's own sandy brown hair still had a wild tousled quality to it, but now he sported a dimpled smile that lit up his face and crinkled the corners of his eyes. He had a contagious energy that made him the center of attention wherever he went.
Caitlin had a full head of dark brown, almost black hair that was usually in pigtails. Her big, dark eyes were curious and full of wonder, and her chubby cheeks were always ready for a smile or a kiss.
And they all loved to run. The triplets let out happy squeals as I ran into the room, all of them getting up and rushing down the hall.
“You’re first, buddy!” I said, pointing to Connor.
He grinned back at me, ready for the challenge. I ran, quickly cutting the distance between him and me, scooping the boy up as I drew near. We turned a quick corner into the kitchen, Seth there to greet us.
“You’re mine, little lady!” He bent down and caught Caitlin, who just about burst with laughter as the other of her three dads lifted her off the ground.
Sam looked up from his laptop at the kitchen bar, raising an eyebrow. “I suppose it won’t do any good to repeat the ‘no running in the house’ rule?”
“Not even a little,” I said, planting a kiss on top of Connor’s head.
“Fair enough.” Sam shot out of his seat, letting out a triumphant “ah-ha!” as he picked up Caleb.
Together, we carried the little ones outside, over to the patio by the pool. Gen, the love of our lives, was there in nothing but a blue and white striped bikini, a pair of black sunglasses on her face, an art book close at hand. On her ring finger were the engagement rings we’d had made from our three stones, each set in an artful way.
When she heard that we were coming, she sat up and turned around. As always, it was damn impossible to avoid devouring her with my eyes.
“You guys need some help?” she asked.
“Don’t even think about getting up,” I replied, raising a finger. “You just got back in from an LA slash New York slash Paris trip, you’re getting some rest whether you like it or not.”
“Many hands make for a lighter load,” Sam said.
“All the same, I think it’s about time to get these three down for their naps—if that’s even possible.”
Gen opened her mouth, no doubt to offer her help in the task.
“Stay and relax,” Sam said. “We’ve got this.”
She pouted a bit in a playful sort of way. “OK, fine. But I’m going to take a shower and head to Amy’s place downtown. She wanted to grab lunch before we did our shopping for dinner.”
One of the best changes of the last year was Amy deciding to take a remote work job and move to be closer to the family. She’d rented an amazing little flat down in Louveciennes and had wasted no time finding a handsome Frenchman to date. She and Laurent were six-months-strong, and we were all starting to get the feeling wedding bells were on the horizon.
“Sounds good,” Seth said. “But make sure it’s a long, relaxing shower.”
She laughed. “I think I can do that.”
The seven of us made our way into the house, Gen going into her bedroom to wash up, the three of us taking the triplets to their nursery. Together, we gently laid Connor, Caleb, and Caitlin down for their naps, tucking them in with their favorite blankets and toys. As I gazed down at their peaceful faces, a feeling of immense joy filled my heart. Being a dad was the most incredible experience of my life.
I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have four amazing children who filled my days with laughter, love, and endless possibilities. Watching them grow and learn was a privilege beyond words. As I stood there, their tiny chests rising and falling with each breath, I knew that being a dad was what I was meant to do.
I felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over me as I thought about the future. What kind of people would they grow up to be? What kind of world would they create? The possibilities seemed endless, and I felt so grateful to be a part of their journey.
We peeked our heads into Bobby’s room next. He’d gone down for his nap a little earlier, the handsome guy sleeping peacefully on his race car bed.
Knowing our kids were all settled in, the guys and I turned to one another in the hallway.
“I don’t know about you all,” Seth said. “But I’m thinking we should take advantage of this rare occasion of all the kids being down for their naps.”