He turned toward me a bit. “We’ll be here as long as you need. And when you’re ready to get back to work at the MET, we’ll be more than happy to take over childcare duties.” He placed his hand on my hip. “But work’s the last thing I want you thinking about now.”

Sam was right to put the idea in my mind. While the last nearly-year at the MET had been amazing, my career was going to look a hell of a lot different now that the triplets were here. I’d known right from the moment I’d laid eyes on their precious faces that I’d want to be spending as much time with them as possible. That didn’t mean I was totally ready to give up my career, however.

I set it aside. There’d be time to think it over later.

“But” he went on. “There’s something that I don’t want to wait on.”

“What’s that?”

He glanced through the glass windows of the balcony. “Finally.”


I looked inside to see that Seth and Sean were making their way toward us, the pair carrying three huge, gorgeous bouquets of flowers between them. They stepped outside, Sean handing his second bouquet over to Sam, so they each were holding one. I gasped at the sight of them, how beautiful they were.

“You guys got me flowers? That’s so sweet!”

“That’s right,” Sean said. “We wanted to set the stage for what’s next.”

“And… what’s next?”

At that, each of them set down the bouquets on the table nearby before reaching into their pockets and taking out individual black boxes. I gasped once more as they opened the boxes, revealing three different rings, each with a different style of diamond.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Then let us do the talking,” Sam said with a small, warm smile. “Gen, when you came into our home, we never could’ve expected the direction our lives would take.”

“f But after all we’ve been through together, and now that you’ve blessed us with three wonderful children, we couldn’t imagine our world without you,” Seth added.

“So, we got to talking, and decided that there’s no way any of us could stand to not be married to you.”

“With that being said…,” Sam added.

The guys smiled, all speaking the next words at the same time. “Will you marry us?”

There was no point in trying to hold back the tears, nor my happiness.

“Yes! Yes, I will!”

I rushed over to the men, hugging them all at once. We kissed, one after another, my heart filled with pure joy.

“Well, in the event that you accepted the proposal,” Sam said. “There was someone else who wanted to say something.” I turned around to see Bobby standing in the room holding a smaller bouquet of flowers.

“You want to give her your present, bud?” Sean asked.

“Yes.” Bobby’s speaking had come a long way over the last several months. He stepped over to me, sticking out the flowers. “Love you.” The words made me melt as I took the bouquet from his hand, bending down as best I could to receive the hug he wanted to give me.

“I love you too buddy. Thank you all so much,” I said, not even trying to stop the tears. “I can’t wait for what’s next.”

Epilogue II


Two years later…

“Caleb, Connor, Caitlin!” I’d said the three names together in the same way so many times over the last two years that they seemed to blend into one big, super name—Calebconnorcaitlin.

And it was even more the case now that they were all toddlers, all of them eager at every hour of the day to stretch their developing muscles and practice their new running abilities. Truth be told, I loved it. I’d travelled the world, made billions, and, with the help of my brothers, set the tech industry on its ear.