“That’s right. Took quite a tumble. Luckily, you hit your forehead. Head injuries aren’t pleasant, but if you’re going to have one, best to take it to the thickest part of your skull. You have a very mild concussion, along with some abrasions on your right arm.”
“From when he threw me into the table.”
At that moment, another thought occurred to me, one that made my blood run cold.
“Oh my God. My baby.”
She raised her hand. “They’re fine. When we ran your bloodwork and saw that you were pregnant it was the first thing we checked. Don’t worry, they’re OK.”
I must’ve still been recovering from the injury. No way I was hearing her right.
“I’m sorry, you saidthey?”
The nurse gave a quick nod. “That’s right. We ran an ultrasound while you were out and heard three heartbeats, all sounding healthy.”
I sat up slowly, trying to process what I was hearing. “You saidthree?”
The nurse smiled. “I’m guessing you didn’t know?”
I shook my head, the pain shooting through the top of my skull. “No, I only found out earlier today that I was pregnant.”
“Well then, I’m sure this is all quite a shock.”
“You can say that again. When can I go?”
She smiled. “Plan is to keep you overnight for observation. With concussions, we want to be on the safe side—especially with three little ones in there.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, would you like me to send in your visitors?”
“Visitors?” I asked, confused.
“Yes, your friend Amy is here with three very handsome men.”
My heart leapt. “Please. And thank you.”
“Of course.”
I couldn’t help it. I cried at the sight of them, big, ugly tears of total happiness.
“There she is!” Sean called out, his hair as adorable and wild as ever, a friendly smile on his face as he rushed over to give me a hug.
“Easy,” Amy said. “She’s in rough shape.”
Sam came over, with his usual serious, scanning expression. “How are you feeling? We heard what happened, and—”
Seth, an expression of tight anger on his face, spoke up. “You don’t need to worry about that scum ball. He’s gonna be locked up for a long, long time.”
Relief washed over me at the idea of Mark being out of my life forever.
“I missed you guys,” I said. “I was pissed, still kind of am, but I missed you all like crazy.”
“Feeling’s more than mutual,” Amy said. “And now we’re all here.”
“Oh, and you’re not staying the night here,” Sam said. “We’re making arrangements to have you brought to our penthouse on the Upper West Side.”
“We’ll have a private doctor stay overnight to observe and make sure you’re on the mend,” Sean said.