“I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know. I was mad when it all happened, madder than I’ve ever been. I felt betrayed. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t have a leg to stand on.”
“What do you mean?”
“It wasn’t like you were hooking up with a boyfriend of mine or something. You were—God, it still feels so weird to say this—hooking up with my dad and uncles. As in, you were all adults doing something you had all agreed to. That’s the case, right? They hadn’t pressured you into anything you didn’t want to do?”
“Not at all. If anything, they were extremely cool about making sure I was comfortable with everything.”
She let out a puff of air through her nose. “Yeah, that sounds like them alright. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my reasons for being upset didn’t have anything to do with you. I was mad that Dad was withanyone, you know what I mean? I guess part of me had hoped that he’d carry the torch for my mom for the rest of his life, as selfish as that might sound. I know he’d dated other women but seeing it for myself made it all the more real.”
I said nothing, letting her get it all out, sensing that’s what she needed.
“I know that’s a selfish reason. Then, after that, I thought about how gross it had been to see you all together like that, about to, well, I still don’t even want to think about it.” She laughed after saying that, and so did I. “But on the flight home, I started to think that even though that’s not for me, it doesn’t make it wrong.”
“Trust me, I hadnoidea I’d be down for a situation like that. I don’t want to sound like a cliché here, but it all just kind of… happened.”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I won’t give you all the details.”
“Please don’t.” We both laughed again.
“But your dad and uncles are amazing people. They’re warm and kind, and the way they are with Bobby… I can’t even believe it. They took that kid into their home and their lives and treat him like their own. You ask me, I just think they all have a lot of love to give—doesn’t matter to them that it’s all for the same woman.”
“They’ve always been like that,” she replied. “I obviously had no idea about the, um, you know. But they’ve always worked together, shared everything, and never stepped on each other’s toes about it. Makes sense that they’d feel the same way about dating.”
Just then, the buzzer to the front door rang out. I quickly checked the camera, seeing that it was someone wearing a hoodie, packages stacked under their arms.
“I’m glad you’re being understanding,” I said as I headed down to the door to get the packages. “Honestly, I wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t.”
“What am I going to do? Throw away my relationship with my dad, uncles,andbest friend because they’re doing something that I have a hard time with? Like I said, all of you are cool with what’s happening. No reason I can’t be, too.”
“Thanks, Aim. I don’t know what else to say other than that I love you like crazy.”
“I love you, too, weird as you might be.” We both laughed again, and I made my way to the front door. “OK, so I should let you go. We can talk later.”
“Sounds great. Take all the time you need with this, no rush.”
She gasped. “Oh my God. I forgot to tell you.”
“Dad and the guys, they’re coming to New York.”
My eyes went wide. I quickly looked through the glass of the front door, holding up a finger to the delivery guy. His hoodie was pulled down, but I could see that he gave me a quick nod to let me know that he’d seen me.
“Are you serious? They’re coming here? When?”
“Today. Like, in a couple of hours. They’re on the plane now.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope. We’re going to meet later, but I’m not sure if they are going to try and reach out to you. I’m guessing that if they didn’t tell you they were coming that they were going to give you some space. But who knows.”
“OK, thanks for letting me know.”
“I’ll let you go,” she said. “Think about what you want to do, OK? And let’s be in touch.”
“Thanks. And yeah, that sounds good. Here, I’m going to pin you the place where I’m staying. I’m apartment 1B. Come by whenever you want.”