I peed in the cup and washed my hands before stepping out and handing the sample to the nurse. She ushered me back into the exam room and told me to sit tight for a bit.

After what seemed like an hour, but was probably only five minutes, the doctor stepped into the room and smiled.

“Well, Miss West, it looks like our mystery is solved. You’re pregnant.”

Chapter 28


One week later…

Ihadn’t spared a single expense in getting to the bottom of who’d betrayed us.

Now I knew. Only thing was, I couldn’t believe it.

I sat slightly dumbfounded in front of my computer, the email from one of the private investigators open in front of me. There, plain as day, featuring pictures and texts, was the culprit.


Pure anger ran through me. The idea of someone who’d been so close to us, someone who we trusted in our home, with our child, would stab us in the back like that.

I closed my eyes, sipping my whiskey and turning toward the inky black night visible through the windows of my office. As much as I wanted to let my rage run wild, to bring her into my office and chew her out, throw her to the damn wolves, giving into my emotions had never been my style. Not to mention it was an issue that needed to be discussed with my brothers before doing anything drastic.

“House, call Sean and Seth and ask them to come to my office.” The blue light illuminated and dimmed in response. I spent the next few minutes going over the information again, making sure that what I was looking at was real.

There was no getting around it—Mathilde had sold us out.

Seth came into the office first, Sean a few seconds later.

“What’s up?” Sean asked, performing his usual routine of pouring himself a glass of whiskey then plopping down on the couch.

Seth was more reserved. I could tell that he’d sensed something was amiss. He stood with his hands behind his back, his brow knitted in concern.

“You’ve heard back from the PI.” There was total confidence in his words. “What’d he say?”

Sean leaned forward, holding his drink between his knees. “We know who the traitor is?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Let me show you.”

I tapped a few keys, casting my monitor to the big screen over the fireplace. I put up the documents from the PI, one after another. The most damning was one of Mathilde in a café down in Louveciennes, meeting with a pair of sketchy-looking men.

“Holy shit,” Sean said. “It wasMathilde?”

“Yep,” I replied.

I turned my attention to Seth, watching his jaw work in anger.

“She’s fucking done,” he said. “Done.I don’t care what her motives were, she’sdone.”

Sean shook his head, seeming more in disbelief than anything else. “How the hell could she do this to us? We’ve been nothing but good to her. We pay her a damn good salary with benefits, give her amazing accommodations. And it’s not like we treat her like some servant—she’s practically family.”

Sean had a good point. “As far as I can tell, there’s one of two reasons why she might do something like this. The first is that she’s greedy, she got offered some money to sell us out and wasn’t thinking about anything more than her next payday. If that’s the case, she’s definitely done. We call the cops, make her pay for what she did.”

Seth cocked his head to the side. “Don’t tell me that what you’re going to say next might involve an explanation. Come on, Sam—what possible and acceptable excuse could she have for betraying us like this?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. I suppose the fact of her being as close to us as she was while being absolutely fucking conniving and we had no idea is just hard for me to wrap my head around. This is a woman we trust with Bobby’s life. And now that Gen’s gone, she’s back to being the head of his care.”

“I just can’t imagine what possible reasons she’d have,” Sean said. “What would justify something like this?”