Reminder: Call Amy when it’s not bedtime HER time
While I’d been having the time of my life with Bobby and the brothers, I’d have been lying if I were to say that I wasn’t starting to miss the states a little, especially Aim. It’d been a week or so since we’d spoken, and every time I remembered to call her it was too late her time.
“Hey, Sean!” I called over my shoulder as I set my phone back down.
“What’s up?”
“You mind if I head inside? I’ve been meaning to call Amy for, like, a week.”
“Not at all. I love spending time with this guy,” Sean said.
I thanked him and wrapped a towel around myself, drying off as I headed into the house. I spotted Sam in the changing room, wearing nothing but a thin, white robe over a pair of swim trunks.
“How’re the lessons going?” he asked.
“He’s doing great, to be honest. A little encouragement and he’s off to the races.”
Sam smiled, pleased with the news. “It doesn’t hurt that he clearly adores you and wants to do whatever you do.”
I returned the smile. “The kid’s a natural, if you ask me.”
Sam grinned then checked his diving watch. “Going to start dinner in a little bit—thinking of BBQing tonight. Sound good to you?”
The idea of eating some burgers with Bobby and the guys outdoors while we took dips in the pool and enjoyed the perfect weather sounded amazing.
“I’ll take it by the smile on your face that you’re a fan of the idea,” he said. “Burgers and brats, all shipped in from the states. France does amazing food, but they can’t quite do up grill items like us Yanks. Seth’s in town grabbing a few other things.”
I laughed. “Can’t wait. Anyway, I’m going to call Amy, check in with her.”
The smile faded from his face, replaced by one more thoughtful.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Nothing. Just that I tried to get in touch with her yesterday and today but haven’t heard back. It’s not like her to go off the radar, even for a little while and especially when I’m texting her pics of Bobby.”
“Are you worried?”
“When you’re a parent, it’s impossible not to worry. But she’s a big girl. I sometimes need to remind myself that she’s well within her rights to not have to check in with me every day.” He shook his head, as if coming to his senses. “Anyway, tell her I said hi if you happen to get in touch.”
“Yeah, will do.” I replied, the guilt of what was going on creeping up again. If Amy found out what we’d been up to... I couldn’t bear the thought of knowing what it would do to her but at the same time, I couldn’t stop either. I was addicted to the guys and the pleasure they provided me.
With that, he was gone. Once I was dried off and wearing my robe, I went in the house and into the common room. I plopped onto the big, white couch, putting up my feet and calling Amy on FaceTime. It rang and rang, a big smile on my face at the idea of catching up with my friend. But there was no answer. I dropped the phone onto my stomach, wondering if therewassomething going on with Amy. Sam was right—she was usually really easy to get a hold of.
I folded my hands behind my head, wondering what was going on. Like Sam, I found myself a little worried about her. Being so many miles away made me feel out of reach if anything were to happen with her or my family or anyone else I cared about. How the hell did Sam do it?
After a bit of ruminating, I sprang from the couch and headed upstairs to my room. One of the windows looked out over the pool, and I watched as Sean and Bobby splashed around, Sean cheering Bobby on as he doggy-paddled here and there. Sam was seated at one of the small tables near the pool, a book opened in front of him.
I couldn’t help but smile as Sean and Bobby played in the pool. Really, I was just so happy for the little guy. Bobby had gone through a tragedy that he couldn’t possibly understand at such a young age that would typically leave a kid’s life confused and uncertain. Thankfully, he was in the care of three men who loved him like crazy, who’d be there for him no matter what.
I took my eyes away from the window and fell back onto the bed, giving myself a few moments to relax. I didn’t have much of a chance to do so before a soft knock sounded at my bedroom door.
“Who is it?” I asked.
I grinned as I opened my eyes. A quick glance down revealed that my robe was open, nothing but my black bikini underneath.
“Come in.”