The crewman nodded before heading off.

“Nothing like enjoying a little bubbly while looking out over the city.”

“You don’t need to talk me into it,” I replied with a smile.

He placed his free hand on the small of my back, leading me over to the railing facing the water. The rumbling engine of the vessel growled even louder, the yacht pulling slowly out of the harbor and into the sea.

“Now, we need to think of something to drink to.”

We pulled out further into the ocean, the coast vast and gorgeous to the north. It was so pretty, in fact, that I found myself momentarily distracted from the champagne and the company. A big city appeared in the distance, lights covering the coastline.

“That’s Nice over there,” Sean said. “Maybe we can stop in for breakfast.”

I grinned. “Oh? Does that mean you think we’re going to be spending the night together?”

A handsome, cocky smile appeared on his lips. “Had a good feeling that’d be the case.”

I wanted to tell him to cool his jets, to at leastpretendthat I wasn’t itching to get him into bed as much as he was with me. But damn, as I stood on the deck of that amazing yacht, the French coast brilliant and beautiful, a glass of champagne in my hands, and a stunning, wonderful man in front of me, it seemed ludicrous to hide what I wanted.

“In that case,” I said. “Why don’t we cheers to checking out the lower deck?”

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and I could tell he was more than a little intrigued. “Dinner won’t be ready for a while. I think a tour might very well be in order.”

We raised our glasses and tapped rims, each of us taking a sip before Sean offered me his hand and led me to the stairs. As we made our way, I was greeted with a stunning, sleek, and futuristic interior. The walls were made of curved glass, offering an unobstructed view of the sea outside. The soft white LED lights that lined the walls provided a calming ambiance, and the reflective surfaces gave the impression of an endless space.

To my left, I saw a spacious seating area with sleek, white leather sofas and armchairs that contrasted the black marble flooring. The furnishings were all minimalist and designed with clean lines, giving the space an uncluttered and modern feel. The wall-mounted flat-screen TV was integrated seamlessly into the wall, and the speakers were hidden behind the ceiling panels.

As we continued down the hallway, I saw a sophisticated dining area with a long white lacquered table and silver metal chairs with black leather cushions. The table was set with geometrically shaped plates and silverware, and the crystal glasses were arranged symmetrically on the table. The floor-to-ceiling windows provided a panoramic view of the ocean, making it feel as if one were dining directly on the water.

The bedroom, on the other hand, was what I was really interested in. We stepped inside and shut the door, the two of us setting our glasses down right away and rushing into one another’s arms. Sean and I kissed hard and deeply, and I couldn’t help but grin through the kiss as he led me over to the bed, the lights dimming low as we slipped one another out of our clothes.

Chapter 22


Days later…

“Alright, bud, you ready to do this?”

Bobby, floaties around his arms, responded with a nod and an expression of adorable determination on his face. I stood a few feet away from him in the shallow end of the pool, my arms open wide.

“Just paddle like this,” I said, splashing my arms in the water. “Super easy, I know you can do it.”

Bobby nodded again, the smile fading from his face as if he were concentrating and psyching himself up. When he was ready, he began splashing his arms. At first, he stayed in place. But after a little bit of encouragement, he slowly but surely began to move toward me.

“There you go, bud!” I said, grinning with excitement. “You’re doing it!”

My eager tone made him all the more intent on reaching me. He splashed and splashed, letting out big laughs as he swam over to me. I pulled him into a big hug and lifted him into the air.

“There you go, big guy!” I shouted, giving him a little toss and catching him. “I knew you could do it!”

Bobby had been making huge strides in his swimming over the last couple of weeks. The guys could get him into his floaties and into the pool, but having Bobby cross much distance was another matter. I’d been taking a soft touch, encouraging him to swim a few feet here and there, and having great success.

“Nice!” I turned to see Sean coming out of the pool house, dressed in nothing but a tight pair of short, blue swim trunks, the fabric hugging his bulge, his gorgeous, sculpted body on full display. “You’re turning this little guy into a hell of a swimmer!”

He stepped over to the edge of the deep end and jumped in, a huge splash exploding from where he hit the water, Bobby letting out wild peals of laughter as the water touched him. I watched Sean swim under the water, moving effortlessly before popping up right in front of Bobby, who got a huge kick out of it, of course.

My phone went off as Sean and Bobby splashed around, and I swam over to check it, a smile taking hold.