She blushed a bit. “Thanks. Truth be told, I wasn’t even sure if I needed to bring a dress and nice heels. Glad I did.”

“We’reallglad you did,” Sam replied with a wink.

“Alright, alright,” I said. “Enough already, you horndogs. I stepped over to Gen, her beauty seeming to grow the closer I drew. “Seriously, you look amazing.”

“Thanks. And I’m ready to go if you are.” She glanced over my shoulder at Bobby. “Actually, I need to say goodbye to the little man before we head out.”

“I insist.”

She hurried around me, her eyes wide with excitement as she approached Bobby and squatted down next to him. “Alright, buddy, I’m heading out for the night with your Uncle Sean. Any chance I can get a big hug before I go?”

Bobby happily complied, spreading his chubby little arms and pulling her into an embrace. It was beyond cute, and just another testament to the bond she had with our boy.

“Have fun, you two,” Sam said, a cheeky expression on his face.

“Yeah,” Seth added. “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.”

I laughed as Gen and I headed out of the kitchen.

“So,” she asked once we were alone. “What’s the big plan for tonight?”

We stepped out of the front doors of the house, the air still warm, the sun beginning to dip over the western coast.

“Wait here,” I said. “Be right back.”

“Sure.” The small smile on her lips made it clear she was intrigued.

I stepped away, heading over to the garage. There were over a dozen cars in total, and I had just the one in mind for a drive into town—our brand-new 2023 Aston-Martin DBS. The car was like something out of a dream, sleek and demure, the color a ghostly silver, the engine a hellcat-roaring V12. I grabbed the FOB and rushed over to the gorgeous piece of craftsmanship and slipped into the spaceship-like interior.

I took a moment to appreciate the ride before gunning the engine, the boom of the mechanism filling the space. I pulled carefully out of the garage and onto the driveway, spotting Gen waiting for me.

“Need a lift?” I asked with a grin as I pulled up next to her.

“Now, this is something else.” She put her hands on her hips and bent down to give the car a closer look. “Beats the heck out of my 2002 Toyota.”

“Listen to this.”

I gunned the engine, her eyes going wide at the power.


“We hit the right angle and this engine will take us to the damn moon.”

She laughed. “And is that what you have planned for tonight?”

“I don’t know, you’ll have to get in and find out.” I replied with a wink.

With that, I hopped out of the car and placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her around the vehicle and over to the passenger seat. I opened the door and she gracefully moved inside, the scent of her perfume absolutely driving me mad with desire.

Part of me wanted to say screw it to the date, to pull the car back into the garage and have some fun in the backseat. And when she fastened the seatbelt between her breasts, making them more prominent, I about lost it.

“Shall we?” It took all the restraint I had to keep my cool.

“Let’s.” Gen flashed me a smile. “So, can I ask where the first destination is?”

“You sure can. We’re headed to a little place in town called L’Amour en Provence. You like oysters?”

“Sure do. I could eat a million of them.”