He took my hand. “Name’s Sean Bradshaw. And I believe we’re going to be spending the summer together.”
Chapter 2
Ienjoyed the expression of total shock on her face.
Hergorgeousface, that is. Her hair was long, silky and dark; her cheekbones high; her skin olive with a complexion that was flawless and glowing; her eyes big and brown and framed with long lashes. It’d been impossible not to notice her when I’d arrived at the airport bar, and the second I’d laid eyes on her, I knew I’d have to get to know her better.
Hell, I’d wanted more than to get to know her better; my real plan had been to seduce her.
“You’rewho?” her voice was lovely, lilting and confident all at once.
I had to admit, I was a little surprised. Hadn’t she done her research beforehand?
“I’m Sean, Amy’s uncle. You don’t recognize me?”
Even with her olive skin tone, it was easy to make out her embarrassed blush. “Actually, you did look a bit familiar but I couldn’t place why. Now I see the resemblance to Amy’s dad.”
“Ah, yes. But I’m much better looking, right?”
We both smiled, a pleasant silence falling over the two of us. I watched her throat work as she swallowed another sip of her drink. The sight was almost mesmerizing.
I was eager to get to know more about her. Sam had performed the phone interview, so Gen was a big question mark to me.Though she and my niece had been friends for years, I had been traveling so much that I’d never actually met the beauty.
“So, how are you feeling about the summer?”
She flicked up her eyebrows and glanced aside as if I’d just asked a difficult question.
“Funny you should ask. It’s what I was talking to Amy about just a bit ago.”
“Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts?” I spoke the words in a joking tone, but there was a measure of seriousness behind them.
“No, it’s not that. Believe me, I’m more than eager to get away for a time.”
“Then what’s the issue? Maybe it’s something I can help with.”
She smiled softly, as if appreciating my offer to help. “Sitting here in the airport really made it dawn on me what I’m getting myself into.”
“Never done the au pair thing before?”
“I babysat once when I was a kid.”
“And how’d that go?”
“Set off the smoke alarm making a frozen pizza. Couldn’t figure out how to turn it off, so the fire department ended up coming. Parents had to cut date night short.”
I laughed. “I’m guessing you didn’t bring this up in the interview.”
“Now, do I look like the dishonest type?”
I gave her face a once-over. She might’ve been speaking in jest, but Gen did have quite an honest face.
“Not at all.”
She gave me a playful wag of her finger. “And don’t you forget it. I told Sam. He found it more amusing than anything else.”
“And what did you say to him that got you the job?”