“And we keep things professional if it ends between us before then,” Seth said. “You want to make a clean break before the job is done, so be it. We’ll sit down and talk about it, work it out.”

It all sounded good, almosttoogood, in fact.

That’s when something else occurred to me.

“What if, and I don’t want to sound too full of myself here, but what if this thing becomes more than just physical? More than just fun? What if feelings emerge here?”

Sam leaned in. “We’ve got a way of doing things around here—both in work and romance—and that is we don’t worry about thingsbeforethey happen, we take care of themifthey do. In other words, real feelings and emotions are an important matter to keep in mind. An arrangement like this requires personal awareness of how one feels all of the time. If you start to have feelings that go beyond physical, then you need to make us aware. And vice-versa.”

I let out a whoosh of air, the intensity of the conversation washing over me. Needing a drink, I raised my glass only to find it empty. Sean had already gotten up, returning with the bottle of wine in hand. He leaned over, pouring me a glass.

I sipped the wine and when the glass was empty, my eyes began jumping from one brother to the next, the lust building inside of me to the point where it felt as if my pants might fly off on their own accord.

I knew what I wanted.

“OK. So how does this work?”

Sam grinned.

“We’d love to show you.”

Chapter 15


Iwas in a state of shock as I left the office with the guys. After all, I’d stepped into the room thinking I was turning in my resignation but ended up leaving it to be pleasured by three gorgeous men. The world felt strange around me, like it was spinning. The guys must’ve sensed how I felt, as they walked slowly, Sean keeping his hand on the small of my back.

“Which room?” Seth asked.

“Mine,” Sean quickly said.

“Not a chance,” Sam replied. “We’ll have to spend fifteen minutes cleaning your dirty underwear off the ground before we can start.”

Sean scoffed. “Come on. I know my room isn’t the OCD paradise of yours, Sam, but it’s notthatdirty.”

“Let me put it to you this way,” Sam said. “How long do you want to wait before we can get started?”

Sean pursed his lips. “Fine. I get your point. I don’t want to wait a second longer than we have to.”

He glanced back at me, flashing that same, sensual, smoldering smile he had when he was refilling my wine. Just like before, it sent a wave of arousal through me, the effect so intense that I nearly dropped to my knees right then and there.

“Sam’s bedroom it is,” Seth said.

We took a right turn down another hall, soon arriving in a huge bedroom with an angled ceiling, the view just as stunning as that of the rest of the rooms in the house. The space was minimally, but tastefully appointed, the dominant colors white and light gray. The windows were open, sea air flowing into the room.

Most importantly, the bed was gigantic—more than enough space for the three of us to have our fun.

Sam shut the door once we were inside, the latch clicking shut. By that point the anticipation was so intense that I could hardly think straight. I was no pushover in the bedroom, but the situation was so unlike anything I’d ever done before that I was going to have to let the brothers take the lead.

There was something undeniably sexy about that though. Totally giving myself over to three men who knew what they were doing, putting my body, literally, in good hands. I was beyond eager for it.

Sam turned to me, an expression of concern on his face. “Now, we should ask if you’ve ever been with multiple partners before?” It was like he was reading my mind, anticipating what I might be thinking.

“Never once. Not even close.”

Sean stepped in front of me, putting his hands on my hips. His touch alone was enough to make me melt.

“Then we’ll handle everything. But if there’s anything you want that you’re not getting, please speak up.”