The more I considered the matter, however, the more I’d come around to the idea that maybe it would be better to discuss it together. I had my reasoning but wanted to share my thoughts with Sam and Sean before continuing to think on it.
“Hey, house? Can you locate Sam and Sean, let them know I want to meet on the back patio?”
The blue lights grew and dimmed in response, and I headed off.
I grabbed a can of La Croix on the way through the kitchen, spotting a pair of grocery bags on the counter that let me know Sam had returned from his errands. Sure enough, he and Sean were on the back patio waiting for me.
“What’s up?” Sam asked.
I cracked open my can and took a sip. “Had some thoughts about the upcoming chat with Gen.”
Sean nodded. “Same here.”
Sam crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against one of the pillars. The view from the patio was killer, hard to ignore it no matter how many times I’d been out there. The green of the neatly trimmed lawn led to the perfect, shimmering rectangle of the infinity pool, the enormous sea in the background.
“Sean, go first,” I said.
“Yeah. So, I think we should talk to her about this together.”
“Share your reasoning,” Sam said.
I suppressed a chuckle at his words. It was such a Sam thing to say. The man loved logic, and that was a big part of the reason he was so damn good at his work.
“Well, I don’t have a bullet-pointed chart for you. But I’m just thinking that this issue involves all of us, which means we should all be a part of the conversation. Especially since there’s tension between her and me—that’s not going to go away if I’m hanging in the background letting my big brother handle the hard stuff.”
Sam rubbed his chin with his hand, a signal that Sean had made a good point and Sam was considering it. I decided to pick it up from there.
“I get that three of us talking to her at the same time might be much. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Gen so far, it’s that she’s no wimp, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. If three of us sitting down with her to talk doesn’t feel right to her, she’ll let us know.”
Sam remained silent, still rubbing his chin.
Finally, he spoke. “I can see the line of reasoning. We all sit down with her and get the subject out in the open, apologize for any weirdness and let her know that we’re going to focus on being professional. If there are any issues, if she has any concerns, we can deal with them in the moment rather than trying to plan for everything in advance.” He took another moment to give himself a second to consider any other contingencies, then nodded. “Let’s do it. Ready?”
“Ready.” Sean and I spoke the word at the same time.
The three of us left the patio, making our way to the stairs then up to Gen’s floor. Not one of us said a word as we walked, each focused on the conversation ahead. I knew, and I was sure the rest of the guys did too, that there was a damn good chance the chat would end with Gen turning in her letter of resignation and hightailing it out of the horny brother mansion as fast as she could. We needed to be prepared for anything.
A tinge of tension formed in my gut as we approached the door to her room.
“Alright,” Sam said, stopping in front of us and speaking in a low voice. “We’re going to all say our peace but let me go first. Don’t want to overwhelm her right out the gate with the three of us all talking over one another.”
“Seems reasonable,” I said.
As Sam raised his fist to knock, we all heard the same thing at the same time, a noise that was no doubt intended to be very private.
Sam froze, glancing back at the two of us.
“You hear that?” he whispered.
“Of course I heard it!” Sean fired back in a sharp whisper of his own. “How could you not?”
I raised my palms. “Hold on, it may not be what we think it is.”
Sean cocked his head to the side. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah. Could’ve been, you know, a sigh of relief or something. Maybe she just took off her shoes.”
Sean’s eyes went wide. “Listen, I don’t know what the fuck it sounds like when you take off your shoes, but that noise was definitely a certain kind of—”