“Allons-y, Bobby,” she said once he was in her arms. “Let’s go outside for a little playtime,oui?”
Bobby seemed fine, but as he left the kitchen with Mathilde it was impossible to not notice the look of longing on his face, his eyes locked on Gen.
“It’s going to be really hard to not pay attention to the kid on my day off,” she said. “But I guess I’ll have to do my best.”
She smiled one last time before starting out of the room. Gen carried the scent of the sea on her as she passed, and the way it mixed with her natural smell was almost too much to take. I closed my eyes for a moment as she moved past, savoring the aroma.
When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the sight of both Sean and Seth looking in the direction she’d gone.
“And that right there’s what I’ve been wanting to talk to you guys about.”
“What?” Sean asked.
“You know what—the way you were both staring at her ass like horny teenagers. What the hell did I say to you guys? We’re not doinganythingwith her. Gen’s here to take care of Bobby, not to be eye candy for us, let alone anything more than that.” I turned my attention to Sean. “And I want to know right now what the hell happened on the beach. You’re acting strange, and don’t try to pretend you’re not.”
Sean pursed his lips and glanced away for a moment, as if not sure how to put it. A surge of anger flashed through me.
“Sean, you better not tell me that something happened between you two down there.”
He held up his hands. “Easy, alright? That’s the whole thing,nothinghappened down there.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Nothing? As in nothing at all?”
“Kind of.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Not a fan of cryptic talking.”
“I went down to the beach, not realizing she was there. As soon as I saw her, I knew it was a good idea for me to get out of there. Or, at least, to keep my distance. So, I pulled out my laptop and started working. So far, so good. That is, until she came out of the sea, water pouring off her body, her bikini clinging to her curves…”
He trailed off, shaking his head as if the mental image of her had returned and he couldn’t believe what he’d seen.
“Focus, dude.” Seth brought him back to the moment.
“Still, I kept in mind what we’d agreed on, that nothing could happen between us. But she was shivering when she came out of the water, and, well, what can I say? My gentlemanly instincts took over.”
Seth let out a loud laugh at that one. “Sure, you’re a real gentleman.”
“I’m serious! She was cold and I had a towel. I wasn’t going to just sit there with my laptop and do nothing. It was totally instinctual, no thinking involved.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s the case,” Seth added with a grin.
I held up my hand, letting the guys know that I wasn’t in the mood for their bickering.
“We were standing close,reallyclose, like close enough that I could feel her breath on my skin.” He raised a finger. “Now, you guys have no idea how much I wanted her right then. It took all the damn restraint I had to not go in for the kiss. But I didn’t. Why? Because we had an agreement. So, realizing that I was only freaking human, I grabbed my things and headed back.”
“You headed back,” I said. “And that was it?”
“Yep. Scout’s honor. I grabbed my shit and got the hell out of there so as not to risk anything happening between the two of us. So, when she showed up here in that same damn bikini, yeah, I got a little taken aback. You guys saw her, how could I not be?”
Seth and I shared a look that suggested we could see where he was coming from. I sighed, shaking my head and taking off my glasses, running my hand through my hair.
“And did she say anything?” I asked. “Anything that might give you an indication she had a sense of what was going on?”
“Look I don’t want to sound too full of myself here, but I’m pretty damn sure that if I had kissed her, we’d have ended up doing a hell of a lot more than just that.”
While I did want to give Sean the business for being a cocky little shit, he did have a way with women, we all did, really. Women responded to Sean’s outgoing personality, Seth’s intensity and sardonic sense of humor, and my calm, in-control nature.
“Alright,” I said. “I need to talk to her.”