“In a matter of speaking. She’s not weird or standoffish or anything like that. But she most definitely isn’t the type of woman to spend an entire flight taking selfies.”
“That’s good. We want a nanny who’s more focused on Bobby than on her Instagram follower count. What else did you learn about her?”
Sean leaned back, putting his feet up on the glass coffee table. Normally, I would’ve told him to take them right off. But I was far more concerned with the subject at hand.
“Nothing that you didn’t already know. She’s a good person, smart and sweet, driven and all that shit.” He grinned. “Oh, and she’sfucking gorgeous.”
Seth snorted, shaking his head, but he didn’t dispute Sean.
“Not to mention the way she was with Bobby. You guys saw the way he went right up to her, heneverdoes that with anyone he doesn’t know.”
“And the way she picked him up,” Seth added. “Like she’d already done it a million times.”
“Yeah, I was impressed with her. In fact, I’ve been debating whether or not to take her out, show her around Louveciennes.” Sean said.
“No.” My tone was sharp.
“Yeah, not a good idea,” Seth agreed.
“Are you guys serious?” Sean took his feet off the coffee table and sat forward.
“Dead serious,” I said. “We hired her and brought her all the way here to a foreign country to do ajob, not to be your arm candy out on the town. None of us will be wining and dining her, seducing her, or anything else.”
Sean grinned. “You say that like either of you could.”
“Faster than you could,” Seth shot back, the corner of his mouth curling in such a way that made it clear he’d be up for the challenge.
I raised my palm. “Easy. Like I said, none of us is getting into any of that.”
“Why not?” Sean asked. “I spent practically an entire day with her, she was totally into me.” He shrugged, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Then again, what woman isn’t?”
I laughed, Sean displaying his famous cocky attitude. “Spoken like a true narcissist.”
“Hey, just because I’m aware when a woman’s putting her interest out there it doesn’t mean I’m a narcissist.”
“Isn’t that right there another narcissist trait?” Seth asked, pointing his finger in Sean’s direction as he addressed the question to me. “You know, being a narcissist butthinkingthey’re not?”
“Pretty sure you’re right about that,” I replied, allowing myself a small smirk.
“Hey, hey let’s not get into armchair psychoanalysis,” Sean said. “If we’re keeping our hands off Gen, then so be it. Just saying that she was definitely picking up what I was putting down, is all.”
He leaned forward, a crafty expression on his face.
“But you guys have to admit that she’s something special, right? Come on, I could see the looks in your eyes when she stepped through the front door.”
Seth and I shared a look that made it clear we were both in agreement. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and it was almost unnerving.
“What if there is something unique about her?” Sean went on. “What if she’s the one, the one thatitcould work with.”
It was too much to think about right then and I raised my palm.
“Maybe there is something to discuss here,” I said. “But now’s not the time for it. Let’s allow her to settle in a bit, give ourselves a chance to see if she’s even a good fit for the job. Maybe, and I meanmaybe, we can revisit the issue later. But for now, it’s tabled.”
Sean opened his mouth, as if he wanted to get in a word of protest. Wisely, he closed it and sat back.
“Besides,” I went on. “You were in New York for a reason. How’d the meeting with the producers go?”
Sean, having grown a bit bored with the tech world over the last few years, had decided to make a pivot into another passion of his—film. He’d loved movies ever since he was a kid, spending every free moment he could watching black-and-white arthouse features or whatever other obscure titles he could get his hands on.