Page 47 of Ruthless Rival

I open the door and step into our room.

Sandra is nowhere to be found.

My brows furrow, knitting together as I take in my surroundings. Her jacket is thrown over the back of the couch. Her shoes are by the door. The scent of her vanilla shampoo lingers in the air, intoxicating and sweet. But the hotel room is completely still and silent.

“Sandra?” I call out.

No response.

When I reach the bedroom, I pause.

Sandra is fast asleep on the bed, curled up against the sheets with her hair spilling over her pillow. There’s something almost enchanting about seeing her this vulnerable. Unable to help myself, I step forward one slow pace at a time until I reach the edge of the bed. Carefully, I take a seat on the mattress and just… watch.

It’s strange to see her so at peace. It’s almost hypnotizing. Beautiful, even. I always knew Sandra was gorgeous but seeing her so calm and at ease makes me realize just how dazzling she truly is. I take in the long curl of her lashes, the round tip of her nose, and the gentle parting of her lips as she breathes in and out.

I count the faint freckles across her cheeks. I never noticed them before. I study the curl of her long fingers, so thin and graceful it makes me wonder if she plays the piano. There’s a small tattoo on the inner corner of her wrist; a flower with five petals. Is it symbolic? Sandra doesn’t exactly strike me as the type.

I reach out and brush a few strands of her hair away from her face, a little surprised when I discover myself smiling. As much as I like her feisty, there’s something to be said about Sandra when she has her walls down.

“Princess?” I murmur gently. “Rough day?”

She doesn’t stir. In fact, she mumbles something incoherent in her sleep. It’s honestly so cute it catches me off guard.

I glance at my watch. Should I go and let her rest? Or should I stay? There’s still a lot of work to be done, plenty of plans that need scheming, but… Sandra looks so nice and cozy, curled up in the bed. When was the last time I allowed myself a moment to breathe? To recuperate?

Silently, I shrug off my suit jacket and loosen my tie, lying down beside her. Sandra yawns, stretching her arms over her head before rolling over to rest her head against my chest. The warmth of her body seeps into my skin, bringing with it a blanket of exhaustion that clouds my mind.

I hold Sandra close and tell myself I’ll take a quick nap. I alone understand the pressure Sandra is under. While I’m busy building an empire, she’s busy running one. If anyone deserves a break, it’s us.

Besides, five minutes can’t hurt, right?

Chapter 20


Ididn’t realize how tired I was until I sat down on the bed, and since Andrei was going to be another hour, I figured a quick snooze would help me pass the time. My mind is refreshed and alert.

Which is why I instantly notice the strong arms wrapped around me and the rich scent of Andrei’s cologne filling my nose. Tilting my chin up, I peer at his sleeping face and quietly marvel.

Andrei is strikingly handsome. I already knew this, of course, but especially so now that his ever-present scowl has smoothed out. Where once I thought he was made of stone, now I see he’s just like me—human and fallible. I study the sharp line of his nose and dare to run my fingers over his jaw, savoring the roughness of his stubble on my skin.

A warm, fuzzy sensation ripples through my body. I know I should go, but I can’t find the strength to leave the comfort of his arms. For the life of me, I can’t remember when someone last held me this tenderly. The realization in and of itself should alarm me.

Feeling safe in the arms of my enemy? Preposterous.

But I make no effort to move away, too entranced.

It’s admittedly nice not being at each other’s throats. There’s something serene about getting to lie here with him, the rest of the world merely an afterthought. I kind of don’t want the moment to end, but when I check the time on his wristwatch, I realize I’ve slept almost four hours. Vance and the rest of my security team have been waiting for me outside, and it’s frankly a miracle they haven’t stormed in to check on me yet.

I nudge Andrei gently. “Hey.”

He mumbles something against my shoulder but doesn’t stir.

I nudge him again, a little harder this time. “Andrei, I need to go.”

He still doesn’t wake. I try to squirm out of his hold, but even in his sleep, Andrei’s much too strong. With a huff, I search around the room but quickly realize I only have my wits at my disposal. I suppose I could just push him off the bed, but…

I kiss him instead. Sweetly, so he doesn’t wake with a start. I don’t owe him an ounce of kindness, but Iwantto be kind. It’s difficult for me to explain. I may put on a cold front for the sake of running the family business, but the person I am deep down… She’s capable of being nice sometimes.