Page 99 of Two to Tango

‘The audition, and the production if you get through, they’re in New York.’

Have you ever felt the earth move? Had a moment when you realize that everything in the universe is working toward one, glaringly obvious conclusion? That’s what I’m feeling now.

‘When is the audition?’

‘Next week.’

I process that for a second. ‘Can you get me ready, Francesca? Can you get me ready for New York?’

‘We can work our hardest to try.’

I bite down on my lip as my eyes fill with happy tears.

‘Well, all right, then.’



Week 4 Without Izzy

Kit lays punches into the pads I’m holding in the boxing ring. He’s getting stronger. I might try sparring with him properly soon. Drew waits for his turn, his arms resting on the corner post of the ring as he watches us.

‘When do you move into the new pad?’ he asks.

‘Two weeks,’ I say, and then turn to Kit. ‘Keep going. He’s talking to me.’

‘Fucker,’ Kit says breathlessly, landing another punch.

‘I’m looking forward to it,’ I admit. ‘Things are changing and I… I guess I feel good about it. I only wish I’d had my shit together when Izzy was here.’

‘Have you spoken to her lately?’

‘One-two, one-two, Kit. Keep up the pace. I sent her a couple of messages last week. Showed her the view of the apartment and, ah, the new tattoo.’ Kit stops punching and bends forward over his knees, raising a hand in surrender. ‘Good effort, buddy,’ I tell him, patting his back with my pad-covered hand.

‘She knows aboutAlice in Wonderland, huh?’

‘Didn’t take much working out.’ Kit and I move to the corner of the ring while Drew steps in. ‘Let’s aim to spar properly next week,’ I tell Kit. He nods as he drinks from his sports cap bottle.

Drew and I bounce in the middle of the ring, smirking, staring, generally winding each other up to spar. He moves first, as I expect. I block his punch and I get in a jab.

‘So, what did they say, these messages?’ Kit asks.

‘I guess I was trying to show her that I’m changing.’ I block another shot from Drew. ‘When she left, we both knew we had shit to figure out. I thought… I don’t know, man. She just didn’t reply. Maybe I’ve been working on me and she got back to London and realized she liked being a spoiled rich girl.’

As I say that, I hope to God I’m wrong.

The distraction allows Drew to land a blow to my temple. Hard enough that I feel it, but not so hard it’s going to hurt me – that’s kind of the point.

‘Did you outright say, “I love you, I was an idiot to let you go and I want you back now I’ve stopped acting like a pussy”?’

Drew and I stop sparring and I glare at Kit. ‘I know you didn’t just call me a pussy, man.’

‘I did. And the reason you’re not already over here putting your glove in my face is because you know it’s true. Look at Drew. When he realized he might lose Becky, he got on a plane and flew to London, like a hero, to get her back. So, did your messages tell her you want her back or not?’

‘Well, no.’

‘Then you can’t be sure she got the message.’