I glance around at the cameras and lights on us. I read the autocue, set up for Marcha’s first line after the weather segment that is currently airing. I’m nervous as hell and way out of my comfort zone.
Izzy’s hand comes down on my thigh, stealing my attention. ‘You’ll be great,’ she says.
I lock my fingers in hers and squeeze her hand, grateful to have her next to me, letting her know I’m here with her too.
The moment is gone and we part our hands when Marcha welcomes back viewers.
‘Next up, we have Brooks Adams and Izzy Coulthard on the sofa. Brooks, you are the owner of the gym Brooks Adams and a renowned trainer here in the city. Izzy, you are visiting from the UK to promote your book,Be Green. Be Clean. Now, to help any viewers who haven’t followed the story, you two have slightly different approaches to health and fitness. That’s fair to say, I think. Brooks, why don’t you start by telling us about your methods?’
My nerves are back with a vengeance. Remembering Madge’s advice, I try to imagine this is just four people chatting on two sofas in a private living room.
‘My method really revolves around the idea that no one size fits all.’ I feel my voice strengthen as my heartbeat calms. ‘I believe a plan for exercise and nutrition advice should be tailored to each client. As a starting point, I would include cardiovascular and muscular training. I would include healthy carbohydrates and proteins. But the rest depends on what the client wants to achieve. They could be training to run a marathon, for example, or they might want to increase muscle mass.’
‘Interesting. So, for you, Izzy’s method of dancing and structured detox recipes would be incorrect?’
Izzy fidgets uncomfortably beside me. ‘No. That’s not what I’m saying. Incorrect is not the term I would use. For some people, dancing as exercise and going green, detoxing, would be a fine way to achieve their goals.’
‘But it wouldn’t work for everyone?’
I glance at Izzy, conscious that I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing. She doesn’t deserve that.
‘In my opinion, it wouldn’t work for everyone, no. But I will say, I feel good after following her plan for two weeks. There are some things I will take away and some that I’ll continue to do.’
‘Such as?’
‘Well, I feel cleaner and leaner. I’ll continue to include detox shakes and superfoods along with my regular diet.’
‘Will you still do the Charleston as exercise?’
I don’t feel like it, but I recognize that I should laugh with Marcha, Izzy, and Aaron, so I do. ‘I don’t think the Charleston will be one of the things that stays.’
Laughter seems to have suited Izzy. She appears to relax a little.
‘So, Izzy,’ Marcha begins. ‘How did you feel following Brooks’ plan?’ She glances at me and smiles. I don’t know if it’s genuine.
‘Honestly, I hated it initially. I felt like I was eating a lot more than usual. I missed dancing and disliked the regimented approach to exercise. But now, I feel great. I’ve actually gained weight but not body fat, which means it is all strength and toning. I feel better for it, physically and mentally. So, I do recognize that advice should be tailored. I stand bySalsa Yourself Slimand clean eating. I also appreciate that if you want to build muscle, or really enhance your cardiovascular fitness, introducing weights and interval training could be beneficial.’
Marcha leans forward across her knees and presses her hands together. ‘This is interesting. For viewers who don’t know, Izzy and Brooks’ relationship has been dubbed ‘love, hate, salsa, and weights’ by some reporters. Which I love, by the way. Very catchy. But what I’m seeing here is definitely more reconciliatory. So, tell us, are the rumors true? Has this competition led to a blossoming romance?’
Izzy and I look at each other. What the hell kind of question is that? I glance at the cameras and see Izzy’s parents looking on, worry lacing her mother’s expression.
‘We’ve certainly come to respect each other,’ I say, the words catching in my throat. ‘I’m sure we’ll stay friends after this and continue to give each other grief about weight training and salsa dancing.’
Marcha laughs and pats Aaron on the arm. I keep my gaze on the coffee table between the sofas.
‘What about a collaboration? Are we likely to see a salsa and weights book being released next?’
I open my mouth to speak but Izzy beats me to it. ‘We both have things to work on as individuals. A collaboration is highly unlikely. Plus, I’m not sure I could stand more than two weeks of Brooks Adams. I like designer handbags and kale. Brooks hates extravagance and enjoys burgers.’
I look at her now. Though a fake smile is planted on her face, I don’t misunderstand one word she said. She’s acting like the Izzy she was two weeks ago, not the Izzy she wants to be. The fact is, she is going back to the Izzy of two weeks ago, and she isn’t putting up any fight.
Whatever we were or might have been, we’re done.
‘Well, we think you both look great, and that you would look great together, don’t we, Aaron?’
‘We sure do, Marcha.’ He turns to the camera. ‘You can find the results of Brooks and Izzy’s competition on our web page. Next, we have Nigel Anderson discussing his new sitcom,Anything Goes.’
After de-wiring, I chase Izzy along the corridor to the elevators. Her parents are already waiting on the landing.